Browse as ListSearch Within- Section *385.200. Definitions. (10/14/2016)
- Section 385.202. Issuance of contracts, criteria — registration required — duties of providers — exemption from state licensure. (8/28/2007)
- Section 385.204. Reimbursement insurance policies, requirements. (1/1/2008)
- Section 385.205. Delivery within commercially feasible time period — copy of contract to be delivered to consumer, when — violation, penalty. (1/1/2012)
- Section *385.206. Sale of contracts, prohibited acts--dealers not to be used as fronting companies--required contract contents--violations, penalty. (10/14/2016)
- Section 385.207. Business entity producer and individual producer licenses required — application requirements — issuance, renewal — rulemaking authority. (1/1/2012)
- Section 385.208. Deceptive practices. (1/1/2012)
- Section 385.209. Licensure sanctioning, when — notification by director, when — producer to notify director, when. (1/1/2012)
- Section 385.210. Record-keeping requirements. (1/1/2008)
- Section 385.211. Register of business entity producers to be maintained — inspection of list — updating of registry, when. (1/1/2012)
- Section 385.212. Termination, notice required. (1/1/2008)
- Section 385.214. Providers considered agents of insurer, when — indemnification and subrogation. (8/28/2007)
- Section 385.216. Investigations, administrative orders. (8/28/2007)
- Section 385.218. Rulemaking authority. (8/28/2007)
- Section 385.220. Inapplicability. (8/28/2007)