Browse as ListSearch Within- Section 188.010. Intent of general assembly. (8/28/1986)
- Section 188.015. Definitions. (8/28/2011)
- Section 188.020. Physician, required to perform. (6/29/1979)
- Section 188.021. RU-486, administration of, requirements — limitation on prescribing certain abortion-inducing drugs and chemicals, when, complication plan required — rulemaking authority. (10/24/2017)
- Section 188.023. Reports of rape or under age eighteen sexual abuse, required to report, how. (8/28/2013)
- Section 188.025. Hospital required, when. (8/28/1986)
- Section 188.027. Consent, voluntary and informed, required — procedure, contents — information to be presented in person — alleviation of pain, requirements — information on risks — medical emergency, procedure — payment prohibited, when — written materials required, when — emergency rules authorized — waiting period restrained or enjoined, effect of. (10/24/2017)
- Section 188.028. Minors, abortion requirements and procedure. (8/28/1986)
- Section 188.030. Abortion of viable unborn child prohibited, exceptions — physician duties — violations, penalty — severability — right of intervention, when. (10/24/2017)
- Section 188.031. Next friend defined for purposes of the procedure for a minor to obtain an abortion. (9/15/2005)
- Section 188.035. Death of child aborted alive deemed murder in second degree, when. (6/29/1979)
- Section 188.036. Prohibited abortions, those done with intent to use fetal organs or tissue for transplant, experiments or for consideration, exceptions. (8/28/1988)
- Section 188.037. Experimentation with fetus, or child aborted alive, prohibited, exception. (6/29/1979)
- Section 188.039. Seventy-two hour waiting period for abortions required — medical emergency exception, definition — informed consent requirements — department to provide model consent forms — waiting period restrained or enjoined, effect of. (10/24/2017)
- Section *188.043. Medical malpractice insurance required to perform an abortion. (1/1/2004)
- Section 188.047. Tissue submitted for examination — pathologist to file report, copies furnished — department to reconcile notice of abortion to tissue report — annual report required, contents — rulemaking authority. (10/24/2017)
- Section 188.052. Physician's report on abortion and post-abortion care, when — department of health and senior services to publish statistics. (6/29/1979)
- Section 188.055. Forms to be supplied to health facilities and physicians. (6/29/1979)
- Section 188.060. Records to be retained for seven years. (6/29/1979)
- Section 188.065. Revocation of license, when. (6/14/1974)
- Section 188.070. Breach of confidentiality prohibited. (6/14/1974)
- Section 188.075. Violation of sections 188.010 to 188.085 a class A misdemeanor — affirmative defense — jurisdiction of attorney general. (10/24/2017)
- Section 188.080. Abortion performed by other than a physician with surgical privileges at a hospital, a felony. (9/15/2005)
- Section 188.085. Sections 188.010 to 188.085 not to be deemed exclusive of other regulations or remedies. (6/14/1974)
- Section 188.100. Definitions. (8/28/1986)
- Section 188.105. Discrimination by employer prohibited because of failure of employee to participate in abortion — exceptions. (8/28/1986)
- Section 188.110. Discrimination by colleges, universities and hospitals prohibited — no requirement to pay fees, when. (8/28/1986)
- Section 188.115. Severability clause. (8/28/1986)
- Section 188.120. Cause of action for violation of discrimination laws, treble damages, attorney's fees. (8/28/1986)
- Section 188.125. Alternatives to abortion agency, intent to acknowledge certain right of — state preemption, when — actions to enforce, authorized relief — definitions. (10/24/2017)
- Section 188.130. No cause of action for wrongful life. (8/28/1986)
- Section 188.160. Whistleblower protection policy, required when — rulemaking authority. (10/24/2017)