Miss. Code § 55-5-19

Current through the 2024 Regular Session
Section 55-5-19 - Assent to acts of Congress; cooperation of state and federal agencies, etc

The intent of this section is to assent to any act of the United States Congress authorizing the development of any national parkway located wholly or partly within the State of Mississippi, to the full extent that is necessary to secure any benefits under such act, provided that the hunting of migratory water fowl and other game and fishing shall not be prohibited or otherwise restricted by the United States government or any of its designated agencies in control of said project. It is the further intent of this section to authorize the appropriate state boards, commissions, and departments, and especially the state highway commission, and the governing bodies of counties, cities, towns and villages, to cooperate in the planning and development of all national parkways that may be proposed for development in Mississippi, with any agency or department of the government of the United States in which is vested the necessary authority to construct or otherwise develop such national parkways. Whenever authority shall exist for the planning and development of any national parkway, of which any portion shall be located in this state, it shall be the duty of the state highway commission to make such investigations and studies in cooperation with the appropriate federal agency, and such state boards, commissions and departments as shall have an interest in such parkway development, to the extent that shall be desirable and necessary in order to provide that the state shall secure all advantages that may accrue through such parkway development and that the interests of the counties, cities, villages and towns along the route shall be conserved.

Miss. Code § 55-5-19

Codes, 1942, § 5978; Laws, 1940, ch. 160.