The vertical height is seventy-two (72) units and the horizontal length is one hundred twenty (120) units (dimensions 3:5, but variable), with two (2) vertical bars at the hoist and the fly, the outer bars being twenty-five (25) units wide in Old Glory Red (Pantone red 200) and the inner bars being five (5) units wide in Old Gold (Pantone gold 7563). The vertical bars flank a central panel sixty (60) units wide in Old Glory Blue (Pantone blue 282), and in the center of the panel is the artwork that is two-thirds (2/3) the height of the flag or forty-eight (48) units. The artwork is comprised of the stylized white magnolia blossom with a stamen in Old Gold that was adopted by the commission, surrounded by an array of twenty (20) white five-point stars in a circle, with ten (10) of the stars flanking the magnolia at the hoist side and ten (10) of the stars flanking the magnolia at the fly side. At the top of the circle is a five-point segmented star in Old Gold, and at the bottom of and joined into the circle is the motto "IN GOD WE TRUST" in all capital letters and in Americana font.
Miss. Code § 3-3-16