Miss. Code § 27-41-67
If from inadvertence or oversight a sale of any land for taxes which is liable to such sale shall not be made at the regular time appointed by law for such sale, it may be sold thereafter at any time designated therefor by an order of the board of supervisors, which order need not describe the land to be sold nor give the names of the owners of the land to be sold. Notice of a sale so ordered shall be given by advertising it in the manner prescribed by law for the sale of land for taxes; and the same shall be made at the same place and subject to all the provisions of law applicable to such sales at the time appointed by law. Lists of lands sold to the state and to individuals shall be filed in the office of the clerk of the chancery court within the same relative period of time after the sale as is allowed for filing such lists after sales at the regular time, and the clerk shall at once record them; and such lists shall be as valid and have the same effect and be subject to all the provisions of law applicable to such lists made of lands sold at the regular sale for taxes. This section shall not be construed as giving the tax collector any discretion to postpone the sale of lands from the time appointed by law for such sales.
Miss. Code § 27-41-67