Browse as ListSearch Within- Section 27-19-1 - Administration of article
- Section 27-19-3 - Definitions
- Section 27-19-5 - Tax on private carriers of passengers, etc
- Section 27-19-7 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-9 - Tax on hearses, church and school buses, and taxicabs
- Section 27-19-11 - Tax on carriers of property and on buses
- Section 27-19-13 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-15 - Special tax on excess weight motor vehicles carrying property
- Section 27-19-17 - Trailers
- Section 27-19-18 - Trailers; highway privilege tax upon operation of trailers and semitrailers traveling in interstate commerce
- Section 27-19-19 - Trailers; collection of tax and issuance of license tags and decals by county tax collectors
- Section 27-19-21 - Additional annual tax on electric vehicles; "electric vehicles" defined
- Section 27-19-23 - Additional annual tax on hybrid vehicles; "hybrid vehicles" defined
- Section 27-19-25 - Imposition of tax by municipalities and other political subdivisions
- Section 27-19-27 - Applicability of tax to motor vehicles owned by United States, the state and political subdivisions
- Section 27-19-29 - Vehicles used in road building and vehicles used for transporting water well drilling outfits
- Section 27-19-30 - No license tag required for certain vehicles used in preparing and loading chemicals for aerial application to crops
- Section 27-19-31 - License tags or plates and renewal license decals; issuance and duration; contents; fastening to vehicles; county designation on license tags; defaced tags and decals
- Section 27-19-32 - License tags or plates and renewal license decals; mailing costs
- Section 27-19-33 - License tags or plates and renewal license decals; trailers and semitrailers
- Section 27-19-35 - License tags or plates and renewal license decals; motorcycles
- Section 27-19-37 - License tags or plates; substitute license tags and decals
- Section 27-19-39 - License tags or plates; pickup trucks
- Section 27-19-40 - Issuance of special in-transit tags or plates to dealers and automobile auctions; issuance of special temporary tags or plates to dealers and automobile auctions for vehicles sold to nonresidents of Mississippi; issuance of special temporary tags or plates to dealers and automobile auctions for vehicles sold to residents temporarily exiting the state; issuance of temporary tags or plates to motor vehicle rental companies upon purchase of vehicles from dealers; design of tags or plates; fees; penalties
- Section 27-19-41 - License tags or plates and renewal license decals; reflectorization; specifications for decals
- Section 27-19-43 - License tags or plates and renewal license decals; issuance; registration fees
- Section 27-19-44 - Special license tags or plates
- Section 27-19-44.1 - Special license tags or plates; amount from additional fee to be deposited in special fund; exceptions
- Section 27-19-44.2 - Special license tags or plates; special fund created for deposit of portion of additional fees from special license tags
- Section 27-19-44.3 - Annual report of Mississippi Burn Care Fund
- Section 27-19-44.4 - Additional fees collected from issuance of distinctive or special license tags designated for special funds for renovation of New Capitol, Old Capitol, Governor's Mansion, War Memorial Building, and the Mississippi Burn Care Center; exceptions
- Section 27-19-45 - Special license tags or plates; amateur radio operators, governor and lieutenant governor
- Section 27-19-46 - Special license tags or plates; congressional officials; enforcement and investigative personnel; commanders of veterans' groups
- Section 27-19-47 - Special license tags or plates; antique automobiles
- Section 27-19-47.1 - Special license tags or plates; antique motorcycles
- Section 27-19-47.2 - Special license tags or plates; antique pickup trucks
- Section 27-19-48 - Personalized license tag; additional fee
- Section 27-19-49 - Special license tags or plates; Shrine motorcycle corps
- Section 27-19-50 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-51 - Special license tags or plates; army and air national guards and reserves
- Section 27-19-52 - Special license tags or plates; members of federal and state judiciary and state and federal prosecutors authorized to apply for specialty tags that cannot be traced except by law enforcement agencies for certain purposes
- Section 27-19-53 - Special license tags or plates; American veterans with 100% permanent or at least 70% nonpermanent service-connected disabilities
- Section 27-19-54 - Special license tags or plates; congressional medal of honor recipients; former prisoners of war
- Section 27-19-55 - Special license tags or plates; sheriffs and deputies
- Section 27-19-56 - Special license tags or plates; persons with disabilities; decals and windshield placards; renewal; enforcement of parking restrictions
- Section 27-19-56.1 - Special license tags or plates; fire fighters
- Section 27-19-56.2 - Special license tags or plates; law enforcement officers
- Section 27-19-56.3 - Special license tags or plates; state representatives
- Section 27-19-56.4 - Special license tags or plates; display of public university emblem
- Section 27-19-56.5 - Special license tags or plates; Pearl Harbor survivors and Purple Heart recipients
- Section 27-19-56.6 - Special license tags or plates; street rods
- Section 27-19-56.7 - Special license tags or plates; display of public junior college or community college emblem
- Section 27-19-56.8 - Special license tags or plates; display of private college or university emblems
- Section 27-19-56.9 - Special license tags or plates; deaf persons
- Section 27-19-56.10 - Special license tags or plates; display of Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks emblem
- Section 27-19-56.11 - Special license tags or plates; historical license plate for antique automobile or street rod
- Section 27-19-56.12 - Special license tags or plates; armed forces veterans
- Section 27-19-56.13 - Special license tags or plates; Distinguished Flying Cross and Air Medal recipients
- Section 27-19-56.14 - Special license tags or plates; Grand Lodge of Mississippi members, their widows and children of deceased members
- Section 27-19-56.15 - Special license tags or plates; display of emblem of public universities located in other states
- Section 27-19-56.16 - Special license tags or plates; Mississippi Commission for Volunteer Service supporters
- Section 27-19-56.17 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.18 - Special license tags or plates; "I Care for Animals."
- Section 27-19-56.19 - Special license tags or plates; display of emblem of Mississippi Soil and Water Conservation Commission
- Section 27-19-56.20 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.21 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.22 - Special license tags or plates; members of Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority and Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity
- Section 27-19-56.23 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.24 - Special license tags or plates; Ducks Unlimited, Inc. supporters
- Section 27-19-56.25 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.26 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.27 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.28 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.29 - Special license tags or plates; Sunflower Consolidated School Preservation Commission, Inc. supporters
- Section 27-19-56.30 - Special license tags or plates; display of emblem of Mississippi Cattlemen's Foundation
- Section 27-19-56.31 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.32 - Special license tags or plates; Lions of Mississippi
- Section 27-19-56.33 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.34 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.35 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.36 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.37 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.38 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.39 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.40 - Special license tags or plates; Knights of Columbus supporter
- Section 27-19-56.41 - Special license tags or plates; academic, professional, honorary, Masonic, or Greek letter societies or similar organizations
- Section 27-19-56.42 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.43 - Special license tags or plates; 4-H Club
- Section 27-19-56.44 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.45 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.46 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.47 - Special license tags or plates; aircraft pilot
- Section 27-19-56.48 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.49 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.50 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.51 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.52 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.53 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.54 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.55 - Special license tags or plates; retired members of the Mississippi Highway Safety Patrol
- Section 27-19-56.56 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.57 - Special license tags or plates; Clergy
- Section 27-19-56.58 - Special license tags or plates; Delta Sigma Theta Sorority
- Section 27-19-56.59 - Special license tags or plates; Boy Scouts of America
- Section 27-19-56.60 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.61 - Special license tags or plates; Autism Awareness
- Section 27-19-56.62 - Special license tags or plates; Bronze Star recipient
- Section 27-19-56.63 - Special license tags or plates; Diabetics
- Section 27-19-56.64 - Special license tags or plates; Petal School District
- Section 27-19-56.65 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.66 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.67 - Special license tags or plates; Omega Psi Phi Fraternity
- Section 27-19-56.68 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.69 - Special license tags or plates; NASCAR; special fund created for renovation of New Capitol, Old Capitol, Governor's Mansion and War Memorial Building
- Section 27-19-56.70 - Special license tags or plates; Choose Life
- Section 27-19-56.71 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.72 - Special license tags or plates; Mississippi Association of Realtors
- Section 27-19-56.73 - Special license tags or plates; Mississippi Forestry Association supporters
- Section 27-19-56.74 - Special license tags or plates; Stop Child Abuse
- Section 27-19-56.75 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.76 - Special license tags or plates; Mississippi Nurses Foundation supporter
- Section 27-19-56.77 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.78 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.79 - Special license tags or plates; United States Army Special Forces
- Section 27-19-56.80 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.81 - Special license tags or plates; Mississippi Loggers Association, Inc. supporter
- Section 27-19-56.82 - Special license tags or plates; Sons of Confederate Veterans supporter
- Section 27-19-56.83 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.84 - Special license tags or plates; Mississippi Blood Services, Inc. supporter
- Section 27-19-56.85 - Special license tags or plates; Vietnam Veteran
- Section 27-19-56.86 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.87 - Special license tags or plates; St. Jude Children's Research Hospital supporter
- Section 27-19-56.88 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.89 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.90 - Special license tags or plates; National Rifle Association of America supporter
- Section 27-19-56.91 - Special license tags or plates; Blair E. Batson Hospital for Children supporter
- Section 27-19-56.92 - Special license tags or plates; Down Syndrome awareness
- Section 27-19-56.93 - Special license tags or plates; breast cancer awareness
- Section 27-19-56.94 - Special license tags or plates; "Mississippi Blues Trail."
- Section 27-19-56.95 - Special license tags or plates; Delta Waterfowl Foundation supporter
- Section 27-19-56.96 - Special license tags or plates; Professional Hair Designers Incorporated member
- Section 27-19-56.97 - Special license tags or plates; American Cancer Society Supporter
- Section 27-19-56.98 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.99 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.100 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.101 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.102 - Special license tags or plates; National Wild Turkey Federation supporter
- Section 27-19-56.103 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.104 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.105 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.106 - Special license tags or plates; Homebuilders Association of Mississippi supporter
- Section 27-19-56.107 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.108 - Special license tags or plates; Rotary International supporter
- Section 27-19-56.109 - Special license tags or plates; "Support Teachers."
- Section 27-19-56.110 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.111 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.112 - Special license tags or plates; Mississippi Youth Soccer Association supporter
- Section 27-19-56.113 - Special license tags or plates; Profession of Pharmacy supporter
- Section 27-19-56.114 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.115 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.116 - Special license tags or plates; M.W. Stringer Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons, Prince Hall Affiliated member
- Section 27-19-56.117 - Special license tags or plates; Police Athletic League of Gulfport, Inc. supporter
- Section 27-19-56.118 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.119 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.120 - Special license tags or plates; Organ recovery supporter
- Section 27-19-56.121 - Special license tags or plates; Mississippi Children's Museum supporter
- Section 27-19-56.122 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.123 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.124 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.125 - Special license tags or plates; to Mississippians who are veterans of the United States Armed Forces
- Section 27-19-56.126 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.127 - Special license tags or plates; Mississippi Wing of the Civil Air Patrol supporter
- Section 27-19-56.128 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.129 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.130 - Special license tags or plates; Mississippi Afterschool Alliance supporter
- Section 27-19-56.131 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.132 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.133 - Special license tags or plates; Boys and Girls Clubs supporter
- Section 27-19-56.134 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.135 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.136 - Special license tags or plates; retired law enforcement officer
- Section 27-19-56.137 - Special license tags or plates; Rebuild the supporter
- Section 27-19-56.138 - Special license tags or plates; Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. supporter
- Section 27-19-56.139 - Special license tags or plates; Bicycle Advocacy Group of Mississippi supporter
- Section 27-19-56.140 - Special license tags or plates; Veterans of the United States Armed Forces supporter
- Section 27-19-56.141 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.142 - Special license tags or plates; Mississippi State Equine Association supporter
- Section 27-19-56.143 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.144 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.145 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.146 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.147 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.148 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.149 - Special license tags or plates; Oak Grove High School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.150 - Special license tags or plates; Electric Power Associations of Mississippi Foundation supporter
- Section 27-19-56.151 - Special license tags or plates; Ridgeland High School athletic programs supporter
- Section 27-19-56.152 - Special license tags or plates; Mississippi Tennis Association supporter
- Section 27-19-56.153 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.154 - Special license tags or plates; supporter of the Mississippi public school district of vehicle owner's choice or certain nonprofit foundations, organizations or associations
- Section 27-19-56.155 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.156 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.157 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.158 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.159 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.160 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.161 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.162 - Special license tags or plates; "Gold Star Family" license plate honoring service members who died while on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces while the U.S. was engaged in hostile activities or time of war
- Section 27-19-56.163 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.164 - Special license tags or plates; Ocean Springs Athletic Foundation supporter
- Section 27-19-56.165 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.166 - Special license tags or plates; D'Iberville High School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.167 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.168 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.169 - Special license tags or plates; Rankin County Public School District supporter
- Section 27-19-56.170 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.171 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.172 - Special license tags or plates; Mississippi Academy of Family Physicians Foundation supporter
- Section 27-19-56.173 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.174 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.175 - Special license tags or plates; Institute for Marine Mammal Studies supporter
- Section 27-19-56.176 - Special license tags or plates; Mississippi Dental Hygienists Association supporter
- Section 27-19-56.177 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.178 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.179 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.180 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.181 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.182 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.183 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.184 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.185 - Special license tags or plates; Tupelo Elvis Presley Fan Club supporter
- Section 27-19-56.186 - Special license tags or plates; to Mississippians who received certain medals for service in or in support of operations in Iraq
- Section 27-19-56.187 - Special license tags or plates; to Mississippians who received certain medals for service in or in support of operations in Afghanistan
- Section 27-19-56.188 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.189 - Special license tags or plates; supporter of mixed martial arts in the State of Mississippi
- Section 27-19-56.190 - Special license tags or plates; supporter of boxing in the State of Mississippi
- Section 27-19-56.191 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.192 - Special license tags or plates; Madison Central Jaguars supporter
- Section 27-19-56.193 - Special license tags or plates; Gulfport High School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.194 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.195 - Special license tags or plates; Professional Firefighters Association of Mississippi supporter
- Section 27-19-56.196 - Special license tags or plates; Mississippi Wildlife Federation supporter
- Section 27-19-56.197 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.198 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.199 - Special license tags or plates; recipient of the Navy and Marine Corps Medal
- Section 27-19-56.200 - Special license tags or plates; Tishomingo County High School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.201 - Special license tags or plates; Belmont High School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.202 - Special license tags or plates; Olive Branch High School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.203 - Special license tags or plates; State Board of Contractors supporter
- Section 27-19-56.204 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.205 - Special license tags or plates; members of the John L. Webb Grand High Court, Heroines of Jericho, Prince Hall Affiliated, operating under the M.W. Stringer Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons
- Section 27-19-56.206 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.207 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.208 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.209 - Special license tags or plates; St. Martin High School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.210 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.211 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.212 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.213 - Special license tags or plates; West Jones High School Supporter
- Section 27-19-56.214 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.215 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.216 - Special license tags or plates; Laurel High School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.217 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.218 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.219 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.220 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.221 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.222 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.223 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.224 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.225 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.226 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.227 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.228 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.229 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.230 - Special license tags or plates; Gulfport School District supporter
- Section 27-19-56.231 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.232 - Special license tags or plates; Biloxi Public School District supporter
- Section 27-19-56.233 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.234 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.235 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.236 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.237 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.238 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.239 - Special license tags or plates; to recipients of the Meritorious Service Medal
- Section 27-19-56.240 - Special license tags or plates; commemorating New Orleans Saints 2009 season World Football Champions
- Section 27-19-56.241 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.242 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.243 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.244 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.245 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.246 - Special license tags or plates; Pascagoula High School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.247 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.248 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.249 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.250 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.251 - Special license tags or plates; Farm Families of Mississippi supporter
- Section 27-19-56.252 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.253 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.254 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.255 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.256 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.257 - Special license tags or plates; Mississippians for Better Mental Health supporter
- Section 27-19-56.258 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.259 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.260 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.261 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.262 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.263 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.264 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.265 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.266 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.267 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.268 - Special license tags or plates; dyslexia awareness
- Section 27-19-56.269 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.270 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.271 - Special license tags or plates; Le Bonheur Children's Hospital supporter
- Section 27-19-56.272 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.273 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.274 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.275 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.276 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.277 - Special license tags or plates; "We Love Life."
- Section 27-19-56.278 - Special license tags or plates; Connected Hearts Domestic Violence Organization, Inc. supporter
- Section 27-19-56.279 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.280 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.281 - Special license tags or plates; supporter of Lanier High School, Jackson, Mississippi
- Section 27-19-56.282 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.283 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.284 - Special license tags or plates; recipient of the Silver Star
- Section 27-19-56.285 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-56.286 - Special license tags or plates; Mississippi Law Enforcement Officers' Training Academy supporter
- Section 27-19-56.287 - Special license tags or plates; East Central Attendance Center, Jackson County, Mississippi, supporter
- Section 27-19-56.288 - Special license tags or plates; Resurrection Catholic School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.289 - Special license tags or plates; Mississippi School for Mathematics and Science supporter
- Section 27-19-56.290 - Special license tags or plates; Saint Andrews Episcopal School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.291 - Special license tags or plates; Mississippi Trucking Association Foundation, Inc. supporter
- Section 27-19-56.292 - Special license tags or plates; Mississippi Law Enforcement Officers' Association supporter
- Section 27-19-56.293 - Special license tags or plates; Catch-A-Dream Foundation supporter
- Section 27-19-56.294 - Special license tags or plates; New Albany High School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.295 - Special license tags or plates; Oxford High School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.296 - Special license tags or plates; Lafayette High School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.297 - Special license tags or plates; Germantown High School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.298 - Special license tags or plates; Columbus Air Force Base supporter
- Section 27-19-56.299 - Special license tags or plates; Jimmie Rodgers Memorial Museum supporter
- Section 27-19-56.300 - Special license tags or plates; Mississippi Emergency Services Association supporter
- Section 27-19-56.301 - Special license tags or plates; Mississippi Damage Prevention Council supporter
- Section 27-19-56.302 - Special license tags or plates; Mississippi Swimming Association supporter
- Section 27-19-56.303 - Special license tags or plates; supporter of Northwest Rankin High School athletics
- Section 27-19-56.304 - Special license tags or plates; Southern Pines Animal Shelter supporter
- Section 27-19-56.305 - Special license tags or plates; Big Brothers Big Sisters of Mississippi, Inc. supporter
- Section 27-19-56.306 - Special license tags or plates; Kossuth High School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.307 - Special license tags or plates; Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity supporter
- Section 27-19-56.308 - Special license tags or plates; Corinth High School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.309 - Special license tags or plates; Mississippi Golf Association supporter
- Section 27-19-56.310 - Special license tags or plates; Alcorn Central High School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.311 - Special license tags or plates; Biggersville High School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.312 - Special license tags or plates; Sisters With A Throttle Motorcycle Club supporter
- Section 27-19-56.313 - Special license tags or plates; Pearl River Valley Water Supply District supporter
- Section 27-19-56.314 - Special license tags or plates; MIND Center at the University of Mississippi Medical Center supporter
- Section 27-19-56.315 - Special license tags or plates; Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation supporter
- Section 27-19-56.316 - Special license tags or plates; Homes of Hope for Children, Inc. supporter
- Section 27-19-56.317 - Special license tags or plates; Mississippi Bow Hunters Association, Inc. supporter
- Section 27-19-56.318 - Special license tags or plates; United States Marine Corps
- Section 27-19-56.319 - Special license tags or plates; Shriners International
- Section 27-19-56.320 - Special license tags or plates; in honor of the Tuskegee Airmen
- Section 27-19-56.321 - Special license tags or plates; cystic fibrosis awareness
- Section 27-19-56.322 - Special license tags or plates; oil and gas industry supporter
- Section 27-19-56.323 - Special license tags or plates; Vancleave Home Run Club supporter
- Section 27-19-56.324 - Special license tags or plates; Friends of the Park supporter
- Section 27-19-56.325 - Special license tags or plates; Jackson Zoological Society, Inc. supporter
- Section 27-19-56.326 - Special license tags or plates; Booneville School District supporter
- Section 27-19-56.327 - Special license tags or plates; New Site High School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.328 - Special license tags or plates; Thrasher High School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.329 - Special license tags or plates; Jumpertown High School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.330 - Special license tags or plates; Wheeler High School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.331 - Special license tags or plates; Palmer Home for Children supporter
- Section 27-19-56.332 - Special license tags or plates; Newton County School System supporter
- Section 27-19-56.333 - Special license tags or plates; Bogue Chitto High School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.334 - Special license tags or plates; Franklin County High School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.335 - Special license tags or plates; Enterprise Attendance Center supporter
- Section 27-19-56.336 - Special license tags or plates; Brookhaven High School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.337 - Special license tags or plates; West Lincoln Attendance Center supporter
- Section 27-19-56.338 - Special license tags or plates; South Pontotoc High School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.339 - Special license tags or plates; North Pontotoc High School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.340 - Special license tags or plates; Prentiss High School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.341 - Special license tags or plates; Bassfield High School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.342 - Special license tags or plates; Callaway High School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.343 - Special license tags or plates; Baldwyn Bearcats supporter
- Section 27-19-56.344 - Special license tags or plates; commemorating the bicentennial of the establishment of Mississippi
- Section 27-19-56.345 - Special license tags or plates; Motorcycle Awareness Campaign supporter
- Section 27-19-56.346 - Special license tags or plates; Nathan's Legacy Foundation, Inc. supporter
- Section 27-19-56.347 - Special license tags or plates; Pearl River County School District supporter
- Section 27-19-56.348 - Special license tags or plates; Brookhaven School District supporter
- Section 27-19-56.349 - Special license tags or plates; Lone Survivor Foundation supporter
- Section 27-19-56.350 - Special license tags or plates; Greenville Public School District supporter
- Section 27-19-56.351 - Special license tags or plates; Warren Central High School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.352 - Special license tags or plates; Coastal Conservation Association supporter
- Section 27-19-56.353 - Special license tags or plates; Marietta Raiders supporter
- Section 27-19-56.354 - Special license tags or plates; Hills Chapel Patriots supporter
- Section 27-19-56.355 - Special license tags or plates; Rienzi Eagles supporter
- Section 27-19-56.356 - Special license tags or plates; Greene County School District supporter
- Section 27-19-56.357 - Special license tags or plates; Perry County School District supporter
- Section 27-19-56.358 - Special license tags or plates; North Pike High School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.359 - Special license tags or plates; Loyd Star School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.360 - Special license tags or plates; True Value Experience supporter
- Section 27-19-56.361 - Special license tags or plates; Stringer Attendance Center supporter
- Section 27-19-56.362 - Special license tags or plates; Beauvoir supporter
- Section 27-19-56.363 - Special license tags or plates; Hispaniola Mountain Ministries supporter
- Section 27-19-56.364 - Special license tags or plates; Hancock High School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.365 - Special license tags or plates; Jim Hill High School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.366 - Special license tags or plates; Friends of Jackson County Animal Shelter Pets supporter
- Section 27-19-56.367 - Special license tags or plates; National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund supporter
- Section 27-19-56.368 - Special license tags or plates; Lawrence County School District supporter
- Section 27-19-56.369 - Special license tags or plates; Pass Christian School District supporter
- Section 27-19-56.370 - Special license tags or plates; Mississippi Vision Foundation supporter
- Section 27-19-56.371 - Special license tags or plates; enrolled member or descendant of the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians
- Section 27-19-56.372 - Special license tags or plates; State Board of Cosmetology supporter
- Section 27-19-56.373 - Special license tags or plates; Meridian High School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.374 - Special license tags or plates; Pontotoc City School District supporter
- Section 27-19-56.375 - Special license tags or plates; Moss Point High School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.376 - Special license tags or plates; Forest High School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.377 - Special license tags or plates; Mississippi MoToSteps Motorcycle Safety Training supporter
- Section 27-19-56.378 - Special license tags or plates; Choctaw County Chargers supporter
- Section 27-19-56.379 - Special license tags or plates; Law Enforcement Officers and Fire Fighters Death Benefits Trust Fund supporter
- Section 27-19-56.380 - Special license tags or plates; Mississippi Wildlife Enforcement Officers' Association, Inc. supporter
- Section 27-19-56.381 - Special license tags or plates; West Lauderdale High School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.382 - Special license tags or plates; Mississippi FCA supporter
- Section 27-19-56.383 - Special license tags or plates; catfish industry supporter
- Section 27-19-56.384 - Special license tags or plates; Kemp's ridley sea turtle preservation supporter
- Section 27-19-56.385 - Special license tags or plates; Mississippi's Toughest Kids Foundation supporter
- Section 27-19-56.386 - Special license tags or plates; Dallas Cowboys supporter
- Section 27-19-56.387 - Special license tags or plates; member of the Grand Chapter of the Mississippi Order of the Eastern Star
- Section 27-19-56.388 - Special license tags or plates; commemorating the City of Marks, Mississippi, as the home of "The Mule Train."
- Section 27-19-56.389 - Special license tags or plates; epilepsy awareness
- Section 27-19-56.390 - Special license tags or plates; Mississippi School for the Deaf supporter
- Section 27-19-56.391 - Special license tags or plates; Rosalie Mansion and Gardens supporter
- Section 27-19-56.392 - Special license tags or plates; Mississippi Bat Working Group supporter
- Section 27-19-56.393 - Special license tags or plates; Wilkinson County High School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.394 - Special license tags or plates; Long Beach School District supporter
- Section 27-19-56.395 - Special license tags or plates; retired employee of the State of Mississippi
- Section 27-19-56.396 - Special license tags or plates; Corinth Alcorn Animal Shelter, Inc. supporter
- Section 27-19-56.397 - Special license tags or plates; Leland School District supporter
- Section 27-19-56.398 - Special license tags or plates; Byram Middle School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.399 - Special license tags or plates; East Webster High School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.400 - Special license tags or plates; Murrah High School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.401 - Special license tags or plates; East Side High School Trojans in Cleveland, Mississippi, supporter
- Section 27-19-56.402 - Special license tags or plates; Children's Advocacy Centers of Mississippi supporter
- Section 27-19-56.403 - Special license tags or plates; Fannie Lou Hamer Cancer Foundation supporter
- Section 27-19-56.404 - Special license tags or plates; City of Natchez, Mississippi, tricentennial commemoration
- Section 27-19-56.405 - Special license tags or plates; Itawamba Agricultural High School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.406 - Special license tags or plates; colon cancer prevention
- Section 27-19-56.407 - Special license tags or plates; National Alliance on Mental Illness - NAMI Mississippi supporter
- Section 27-19-56.408 - Special license tags or plates; Warrior Bonfire Project supporter
- Section 27-19-56.409 - Special license tags or plates; Miss Mattie Foundation supporter
- Section 27-19-56.410 - Special license tags or plates; Saint Aloysius Flashes supporter
- Section 27-19-56.411 - Special license tags or plates; former Rosa A. Temple High School in Vicksburg, Mississippi, supporter
- Section 27-19-56.412 - Special license tags or plates; display of the word "Adoption."
- Section 27-19-56.413 - Special license tags or plates; Hattiesburg Public School District Foundation supporter
- Section 27-19-56.414 - Special license tags or plates; ALS Association Louisiana - Mississippi Chapter supporter
- Section 27-19-56.415 - Special license tags or plates; GRAMMY®Museum Mississippi supporter
- Section 27-19-56.416 - Special license tags or plates; Mississippi Society of Certified Public Accountants supporter
- Section 27-19-56.417 - Special license tags or plates; West Point Consolidated School District supporter
- Section 27-19-56.418 - Special license tags or plates; Mississippi Physical Therapy Association supporter
- Section 27-19-56.419 - Special license tags or plates; Southern Christian Services for Children and Youth, Inc., supporter
- Section 27-19-56.420 - Special license tags or plates; Canton High School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.421 - Special license tags or plates; Mississippi Symphony Orchestra supporter
- Section 27-19-56.422 - Special license tags or plates; Stone County School District supporter
- Section 27-19-56.423 - Special license tags or plates; Provine High School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.424 - Special license tags or plates; Cleveland High School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.425 - Special license tags or plates; Gentry High School Mighty Rams supporter
- Section 27-19-56.426 - Special license tags or plates; Sacred Heart Catholic School in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, supporter
- Section 27-19-56.427 - Special license tags or plates; Mississippi Public Broadcasting supporter
- Section 27-19-56.428 - Special license tags or plates; Coahoma Community College Foundation supporter
- Section 27-19-56.429 - Special license tags or plates; Prevent Child Abuse Mississippi supporter
- Section 27-19-56.430 - Special license tags or plates; Murrah High School Alumni Association supporter
- Section 27-19-56.431 - Special license tags or plates; Mississippi Sickle Cell Foundation supporter
- Section 27-19-56.432 - Special license tags or plates; member of the Blue Knights®International Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club, Inc
- Section 27-19-56.433 - Special license tags or plates; DeSoto County School District supporter
- Section 27-19-56.434 - Special license tags or plates; George County Rebel Athletic Council supporter
- Section 27-19-56.435 - Special license tags or plates; Humane Society of South Mississippi supporter
- Section 27-19-56.436 - Special license tags or plates; display of the "One Coast" logo
- Section 27-19-56.437 - Special license tags or plates; commemorating the bicentennial of Mississippi's statehood
- Section 27-19-56.438 - Special license tags or plates; World War II veterans
- Section 27-19-56.439 - Special license tags or plates; Aunt Joyce's Kids supporter
- Section 27-19-56.440 - Special license tags or plates; Home of Grace supporter
- Section 27-19-56.441 - Special license tags or plates; Cure Sickle Cell Foundation supporter
- Section 27-19-56.442 - Special license tags or plates; Memphis Grizzlies professional basketball team supporter
- Section 27-19-56.443 - Special license tags or plates; Natchez-Adams School District supporter
- Section 27-19-56.444 - Special license tags or plates; Veterans of service in the Armed Forces of the United States rated as having service-connected disabilities but not rated as having 100% permanent or at least 70% nonpermanent service-connected disabilities
- Section 27-19-56.445 - Special license tags or plates; Saint Patrick Catholic School in Harrison County, Mississippi, supporter
- Section 27-19-56.446 - Special license tags or plates; Wildlife refuges supporter
- Section 27-19-56.447 - Special license tags or plates; Quality Deer Management Association supporter
- Section 27-19-56.448 - Special license tags or plates; Mississippi Aquarium supporter
- Section 27-19-56.449 - Special license tags or plates; Recipient of the Combat Infantryman Badge
- Section 27-19-56.450 - Special license tags or plates; Combat veteran
- Section 27-19-56.451 - Special license tags or plates; Chris McDill Grey Matters Scholarship Fund supporter
- Section 27-19-56.452 - Special license tags or plates; Blue Mountain College supporter
- Section 27-19-56.453 - Special license tags or plates; Order of the Eastern Star in Hinds County, Mississippi, supporter
- Section 27-19-56.454 - Special license tags or plates; "Maurice F. Lucas, Sr., Grand Chapter of the Eastern Star, Prince Hall Affiliated, member."
- Section 27-19-56.455 - Special license tags or plates; American Federation of Teachers supporter
- Section 27-19-56.456 - Special license tags or plates; Vitiligo Beautified Foundation, Inc., supporter
- Section 27-19-56.457 - Special license tags or plates; Ballet Mississippi supporter
- Section 27-19-56.458 - Special license tags or plates; Mississippi Metropolitan Ballet supporter
- Section 27-19-56.459 - Special license tags or plates; Firefly Outreach supporter
- Section 27-19-56.460 - Special license tags or plates; former Sam M. Brinkley High School in Jackson, Mississippi, supporter
- Section 27-19-56.461 - Special license tags or plates; Ole Miss Student Veterans of America supporter
- Section 27-19-56.462 - Special license tags or plates; Noxubee County High School Tigers supporter
- Section 27-19-56.463 - Special license tags or plates; Kosciusko School District supporter
- Section 27-19-56.464 - Special license tags or plates; supporter of conservation of marine wildlife
- Section 27-19-56.465 - Special license tags or plates; recipient of the Combat Action Ribbon
- Section 27-19-56.466 - Special license tags or plates; recipient of the Department of Defense Medal for the Defense of Freedom
- Section 27-19-56.467 - Special license tags or plates; historical license plate for antique motorcycle
- Section 27-19-56.468 - Special license tags or plates; First Responders of Mississippi supporter
- Section 27-19-56.469 - Special license tags or plates; Belhaven Improvement Association supporter
- Section 27-19-56.470 - Special license tags or plates; Jefferson Davis County School District supporter
- Section 27-19-56.471 - Special license tags or plates; Canopy Children's Solutions supporter
- Section 27-19-56.472 - Special license tags or plates; Mississippi Kidney Foundation supporter
- Section 27-19-56.473 - Special license tags or plates; Mississippi Faculty Association of Community and Junior Colleges supporter
- Section 27-19-56.474 - Special license tags or plates; Mississippi Sweet Potato Council supporter
- Section 27-19-56.475 - Special license tags or plates; Family Resource Center of North Mississippi supporter
- Section 27-19-56.476 - Special license tags or plates; Ingalls Shipbuilding supporter
- Section 27-19-56.477 - Special license tags or plates; Rotary Club of Central Hancock County supporter
- Section 27-19-56.478 - Special license tags or plates; Starkville High School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.479 - Special license tags or plates; Camp Pioneer, Inc., supporter
- Section 27-19-56.480 - Special license tags or plates; Marty Wilson Foundation One Gulf One Goal supporter
- Section 27-19-56.481 - Special license tags or plates; Columbus High School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.482 - Special license tags or plates; Ronald McDonald House Charities of Mississippi, Inc., supporter
- Section 27-19-56.483 - Special license tags or plates; Celtic Heritage Society supporter
- Section 27-19-56.484 - Special license tags or plates; supporter of suicide prevention
- Section 27-19-56.485 - Special license tags or plates; Moss Point School District supporter
- Section 27-19-56.486 - Special license tags or plates; Mississippi Book Festival supporter
- Section 27-19-56.487 - Special license tags or plates; North Panola School District supporter
- Section 27-19-56.488 - Special license tags or plates; Holly Springs Separate School District supporter
- Section 27-19-56.489 - Special license tags or plates; display of the words "Dixie National Livestock Show and Rodeo."
- Section 27-19-56.490 - Special license tags or plates; display of the Mississippi state flag
- Section 27-19-56.491 - Special license tags or plates; Cold War veteran
- Section 27-19-56.492 - Special license tags or plates; first responder injured in the line of duty
- Section 27-19-56.493 - Special license tags or plates; attorney
- Section 27-19-56.494 - Special license tags or plates; Robotics Alliance of Mississippi supporter
- Section 27-19-56.495 - Special license tags or plates; Tupelo Children's Mansion supporter
- Section 27-19-56.496 - Special license tags or plates; Excel By 5 supporter
- Section 27-19-56.497 - Special license tags or plates; Camp Sunshine supporter
- Section 27-19-56.498 - Special license tags or plates; EV Mississippi supporter
- Section 27-19-56.499 - Special license tags or plates; Sunflower County Ministerial Alliance Counseling Services (SCMACS), Inc., supporter
- Section 27-19-56.500 - Special license tags or plates; Mississippi Lupus Foundation supporter
- Section 27-19-56.501 - Special license tags or plates; Bogue Chitto Strong Monument supporter
- Section 27-19-56.502 - Special license tags or plates; Louisiana State University 2019 National Champions supporter
- Section 27-19-56.503 - Special license tags or plates; Thomas E. Edwards High School (formerly Ruleville Central High School) supporter
- Section 27-19-56.504 - Special license tags or plates; Lewisburg High School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.505 - Special license tags or plates; supporter of the former Utica High School
- Section 27-19-56.506 - Special license tags or plates; supporter of the former Hinds Agricultural High School
- Section 27-19-56.507 - Special license tags or plates; supporter of the former Utica Junior College
- Section 27-19-56.508 - Special license tags or plates; Walnut High School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.509 - Special license tags or plates; Falkner High School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.510 - Special license tags or plates; Ripley High School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.511 - Special license tags or plates; Pine Grove High School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.512 - Special license tags or plates; Blue Mountain High School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.513 - Special license tags or plates; Chalybeate School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.514 - Special license tags or plates; East Union School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.515 - Special license tags or plates; West Union School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.516 - Special license tags or plates; Ingomar School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.517 - Special license tags or plates; Myrtle School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.518 - Special license tags or plates; Bruce Trojans supporter
- Section 27-19-56.519 - Special license tags or plates; Calhoun City Wildcats supporter
- Section 27-19-56.520 - Special license tags or plates; Vardaman Rams supporter
- Section 27-19-56.521 - Special license tags or plates; New Albany School District supporter
- Section 27-19-56.522 - Special license tags or plates; Mississippi Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks Foundation supporter
- Section 27-19-56.523 - Special license tags or plates; Mississippi State Parks supporter
- Section 27-19-56.524 - Special license tags or plates; In recognition of the men and women of Mississippi who are honorably discharged veterans who served in the U.S. Armed Forces at various times, recipients of certain medals, members of Gold Star families
- Section 27-19-56.525 - Special license tags or plates; Mississippi Trotting Association supporter
- Section 27-19-56.526 - Special license tags or plates; Poplarville High School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.527 - Special license tags or plates; Mississippi Theatre Association, Inc., supporter
- Section 27-19-56.528 - Special license tags or plates; 82 Strong supporter
- Section 27-19-56.529 - Special license tags or plates; Indianola Academy supporter
- Section 27-19-56.530 - Special license tags or plates; Humphreys County High School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.531 - Special license tags or plates; Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority supporter
- Section 27-19-56.532 - Special license tags or plates; Desert of Mississippi Shriners and Daughters AEAONMS, PHA, supporter
- Section 27-19-56.533 - Special license tags or plates; Children's Tumor Foundation supporter
- Section 27-19-56.534 - Special license tags or plates; display of the word "judiciary" for serving or retired state or federal judges
- Section 27-19-56.535 - Special license tags or plates; Wildlife Mississippi supporter
- Section 27-19-56.536 - Special license tags or plates; Cedarhill Animal Sanctuary supporter
- Section 27-19-56.537 - Special license tags or plates; South Pike School District supporter
- Section 27-19-56.538 - Special license tags or plates; Picayune Maroon Tide Touchdown Club supporter
- Section 27-19-56.539 - Special license tags or plates; Mississippi Wildlife Federation supporter
- Section 27-19-56.540 - Special license tags or plates; Foundation for Moral Law supporter
- Section 27-19-56.541 - Special license tags or plates; 2021 National Championship Bulldogs supporter
- Section 27-19-56.542 - Special license tags or plates; Mississippi Main Street Association supporter
- Section 27-19-56.543 - Special license tags or plates; Gautier athletics supporter
- Section 27-19-56.544 - Special license tags or plates; South Jones Touchdown Club supporter
- Section 27-19-56.545 - Special license tags or plates; Starkville Academy athletics supporter
- Section 27-19-56.546 - Special license tags or plates; Girl Scouts of Greater Mississippi supporter
- Section 27-19-56.547 - Special license tags or plates; Pro-Life Billboard Initiative supporter
- Section 27-19-56.548 - Special license tags or plates; lung cancer awareness supporter
- Section 27-19-56.549 - Special license tags or plates; supporters of various organizations
- Section 27-19-56.550 - Special license tags or plates; 2022 National Championship Ole Miss Rebels Baseball Team supporter
- Section 27-19-56.551 - Special license tags or plates; 2021 National Championship Ole Miss Rebels Women's Golf Team supporter
- Section 27-19-56.552 - Special license tags or plates; Northeast Jones High School supporter
- Section 27-19-56.553 - Special license tags or plates; Mississippi Towing and Recovery Professionals, Inc., supporter
- Section 27-19-56.554 - Special license tags or plates; Jack and Jill of America, Inc., supporter
- Section 27-19-56.555 - Special license tags or plates; unremarried spouses of law enforcement personnel who died while engaged in performance of official duties or who died as result of receiving intentional or accidental bodily injury while engaged in performance of official duties
- Section 27-19-56.556 - Special license tags or plates; registered respiratory therapist
- Section 27-19-56.557 - Special license tags or plates; honorably discharged former member of the United States Merchant Marine
- Section 27-19-56.558 - Special license tags or plates; display of the words"In God We Trust"
- Section 27-19-56.559 - Special license plates and tags: Tunnel to Towers Foundation supporter
- Section 27-19-57 - County or municipality where vehicle to be registered
- Section 27-19-59 - Applications for licenses generally; marking of state vehicles; issuance of licenses; maintenance of records; financial responsibility requirements
- Section 27-19-60 - Denial, revocation or suspension of registration and licensing of commercial motor vehicles under certain circumstances; information to be provided at time of registration or renewal
- Section 27-19-61 - Ad valorem tax receipts to be presented with applications for licenses
- Section 27-19-62 - Proof of payment of federal heavy vehicle use tax
- Section 27-19-63 - Payment of tax; penalties, etc
- Section 27-19-64 - Collection and payment of tax for periods of less than one year on carriers of property
- Section 27-19-65 - Penalties for false statements in certain applications
- Section 27-19-66 - Registration of corporate fleet on annual basis
- Section 27-19-66.1 - Registration of trailer fleet; application; fee; addition or removal of trailer
- Section 27-19-66.2 - Registration of rental fleet; application; fee; addition or removal of motor vehicle
- Section 27-19-67 - Determination of tax; privilege granted
- Section 27-19-69 - Issuance of replacement license upon destruction of vehicle
- Section 27-19-71 - Issuance of license upon replacement of vehicle
- Section 27-19-73 - Refunds
- Section 27-19-75 - Change of classification of vehicle, etc
- Section 27-19-77 - Temporary and seasonal permits
- Section 27-19-79 - Trip permits; hunter's permits
- Section 27-19-81 - Registration of vehicle in excess of weight limits; excess weight permits; excess size permits
- Section 27-19-83 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-85 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-87 - Permit to be carried in vehicle
- Section 27-19-89 - Penalty for failure to obtain permit
- Section 27-19-90 - Penalties for willful and knowing alteration, forgery or counterfeiting of any license plate, decal, permit, etc. required for commercial motor vehicle
- Section 27-19-91 - Common and contract carriers of property to carry manifests
- Section 27-19-93 - Certain vehicles to stop at inspection stations
- Section 27-19-95 - Certification of common and contract carriers of property or passengers by public service commission
- Section 27-19-97 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-99 - Tax collection procedures; routing of proceeds
- Section 27-19-101 - Comptroller to furnish copies of registration receipts
- Section 27-19-103 - Recordkeeping requirements for common and contract carriers of property or passengers
- Section 27-19-105 through 27-19-117 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-119 - Weighing of vehicles to ascertain accuracy of registration
- Section 27-19-121 - Rules and regulations
- Section 27-19-123 - Exchange of information with certain agencies or departments of the United States government, State of Mississippi or other states
- Section 27-19-125 - Prohibition as to gifts to employees of motor vehicle comptroller; report
- Section 27-19-127 - Enforcement of article
- Section 27-19-129 - Jurisdiction of Public Service Commission
- Section 27-19-131 - Operation of vehicle without payment of tax
- Section 27-19-133 - Officers authorized to make arrest without warrant; operator's rights when arrested; transcripts of proceedings
- Section 27-19-134 - Exemption from licensing requirements when repossessing vehicle
- Section 27-19-135 - State to have lien on motor vehicle
- Section 27-19-136 - Assessment of taxes and penalties; execution of bond in lieu of seizure and impoundment of vehicle; tax liens and warrants to effect collection of assessed taxes; application of Mississippi Sales Tax Law to persons liable for taxes under this article
- Section 27-19-137 - Inspection of vehicles and records, etc
- Section 27-19-138 - Assessment of fines and penalties; alternatives to seizure and impoundment; terms for payment of fines and penalties; refunds of fines and penalties
- Section 27-19-139 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-141 - Sale or transfer of vehicle by other than dealer; reports; registration
- Section 27-19-143 - Reciprocity agreements
- Section 27-19-145 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-147 - Use tax; imposition
- Section 27-19-149 - Use tax; exceptions
- Section 27-19-151 - Use tax; penalties for nonpayment
- Section 27-19-153 - Effect of sale or transfer of vehicle upon tax liability; removal of license tags from vehicles of state or local governments upon sale or transfer
- Section 27-19-155 - Purchase of license tags or plates by commission; disposition of proceeds of sale generally
- Section 27-19-156 - Contracts for purchase of license tags may permit vendors to reduce cost of license tag contract or generate additional revenue by offering advertising services in connection with the sale and distribution of license tags
- Section 27-19-157 - Purchase of license tags or plates; purchase from penitentiary
- Section 27-19-159 - [Applicable to any county which is exempt from the provisions of Section 19-2-3] Distribution of collections
- Section 27-19-159 - [Applicable to any county which is required to operate on a countywide system of road administration as described in Section 19-2-3] Distribution of collections
- Section 27-19-161 through 27-19-165 - [Repealed]
- Section 27-19-167 - Declaration of policy
- Section 27-19-169 - Privileges of surviving spouses of members of military killed on active duty; motor vehicle license plates; privilege tax exemption; penalty for violation
- Section 27-19-171 - Certificate of tax loss from implementation of Section 27-19-169; reimbursement
- Section 27-19-177 - Restriction on political use of funds derived from fees collected from issuance of distinctive or special license tags
- Section 27-19-179 - Department of Revenue License Tag Acquisition Fund; use of fund monies; certain unexpended amounts lapse into State General Fund