- Section 25-3-1 - Classifications of counties
- Section 25-3-2 - Elected county official's salary reductions due to valuation and population changes
- Section 25-3-3 - [Effective Until 1/1/2028] Salaries of assessors also serving as tax collectors; additional compensation
- Section 25-3-3 - [Effective 1/1/2028] Salaries of assessors also serving as tax collectors; additional compensation
- Section 25-3-5 - [Repealed]
- Section 25-3-7 - State contribution to compensation of assessors
- Section 25-3-9 - Salaries of county prosecuting attorneys
- Section 25-3-11 - Travel and expenses of county attorneys
- Section 25-3-13 - Salaries of supervisors
- Section 25-3-15 - Additions to assessed valuation for fixing supervisors' salaries in certain counties
- Section 25-3-17 - Payment of supervisors' salaries
- Section 25-3-19 - Salaries of county auditors
- Section 25-3-21 - Allowance for copying assessment rolls
- Section 25-3-23 - Deputy chancery clerk in certain counties
- Section 25-3-25 - Salaries of sheriffs
- Section 25-3-27 - Salaries of deputy sheriffs in counties having two judicial districts
- Section 25-3-29 - Method of paying salaries
- Section 25-3-31 - Salaries of elective state and district officers; employment of assistant
- Section 25-3-32 - [Repealed]
- Section 25-3-33 - [Repealed]
- Section 25-3-34 - [Repealed]
- Section 25-3-35 - Salaries of elected judiciary, district attorneys and legal assistants
- Section 25-3-36 - Compensation of justice court judges; disposition of fees, costs, fines and cash bonds; justice court clerk clearing account
- Section 25-3-37 - Salaries to be full compensation
- Section 25-3-38 - Payment of additional funds to appointive officials unlawful; penalty
- Section 25-3-39 - Ceiling established for salaries; sources of funding for salaries; exemptions for Executive Director of Mississippi Development Authority, Governor's Chief of Staff and certain professional public employees
- Section 25-3-39.1 - Compensation of Deputy Commissioner of Insurance
- Section 25-3-40 - Annual salary increases; intent to implement minimum wage and maximize salary increases
- Section 25-3-41 - Traveling expenses of state officers and employees; travel services by commercial travel agency
- Section 25-3-43 - Travel expenses of judiciary
- Section 25-3-45 - Penalty for excessive travel expenses
- Section 25-3-47 - Department subordinates
- Section 25-3-49 - Salaries in special appointments
- Section 25-3-51 - Deduction for absence from the state
- Section 25-3-53 - Compensation of special judges of circuit, county, or chancery courts
- Section 25-3-55 - Compensation of special judge of Supreme Court
- Section 25-3-57 - Deduction for absence from court
- Section 25-3-59 - Deduction for absence from meeting of public service commission
- Section 25-3-61 - Governor may grant leave of absence
- Section 25-3-63 - Local governmental entities and local school districts authorized to grant administrative leave with pay to their employees in the event of extreme weather conditions or man-made or natural disasters or emergencies
- Section 25-3-65 - Local governmental authorities, state agencies, boards or commissions, and public universities or colleges authorized to pay covered individuals'beneficiaries full amount of individual's regular compensation for up to sixty days after the death of the individual under certain circumstances
- Section 25-3-67 - Deductions from municipal employees' salaries for contributions for United Way, insurance, and United States Savings Bonds
- Section 25-3-69 - Uniform per diem compensation for officers and employees of state boards, commissions and agencies
- Section 25-3-71 - Annual report of recommendations of salary increases and amounts
- Section 25-3-73 - [Repealed]