Miss. Code § 19-3-11
In counties having only one (1) court district, the board of supervisors shall hold regular meetings at the courthouse or in the chancery clerk's office in those counties where the chancery clerk's office is in a building separate from the courthouse. However, the board of supervisors may meet in any other county-owned building if such building is located within one (1) mile of the courthouse and if, more than thirty (30) days prior to changing the meeting place, the board posts a conspicuous, permanent notice to that effect in the chancery clerk's office and in one (1) other place in the courthouse, publishes notice thereof in a newspaper published in the county, or if there be no newspaper published in the county, then in a newspaper having general circulation in the county, once each week, for at least three (3) consecutive weeks, and enters an order upon its minutes designating and describing in full the building and room to be used as the meeting room of the board of supervisors. The board of supervisors shall meet on the first Monday of each month. However, when such meeting date falls on a legal holiday, then the said meeting shall be held on the succeeding day.
Miss. Code § 19-3-11