Section 171.062 - EVIDENCE OF IDENTITY; NONCOMPLIANT CREDENTIALSSubdivision 1.Definitions.(a) For purposes of this section, the following terms have the meanings given.(b) "Court" includes a foreign court of competent jurisdiction.(c) "Foreign" means a jurisdiction that is not, and is not within, the United States, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, the United States Virgin Islands, or a territory of the United States.Subd. 2.Evidence of identity.For a noncompliant license or identification card, an applicant must submit:
(1) a Minnesota driver's license or identification card that is current or has been expired: (i) for five years or less with a color photograph or electronically produced or digitized image; or(ii) for one year or less without a color photograph or electronically produced or digitized image; or(2) if the applicant cannot present a credential under clause (1), either: (i) one primary document under subdivision 4 and one secondary document under subdivision 5; or(ii) two primary documents under subdivision 4.Subd. 3.General requirements.(a) A document submitted under this section must include the applicant's name and must be:(1) issued to or provided for the applicant;(2) legible and unaltered;(3) an original or a copy certified by the issuing agency or by a court; and(4) accompanied by a certified translation or an affidavit of translation into English, if the document is not in English.(b) If the applicant's current legal name is different from the name on a document submitted under subdivision 4 or 5, the applicant must submit: (1) a certified copy of a court order that specifies the applicant's name change;(2) a certified copy of the applicant's certificate of marriage;(3) a certified copy of a divorce decree or dissolution of marriage that specifies the applicant's name change, issued by a court; or(4) similar documentation of a lawful change of name, as determined by the commissioner.(c) A form issued by a federal agency that is specified under this section includes any subsequent form or version.(d) The commissioner must establish a process to grant a waiver from the requirements under this section.(e) The same document must not be submitted as both a primary document and a secondary document.Subd. 4.Primary documents.(a) For purposes of a noncompliant driver's license or identification card, a primary document includes: (1) a copy of the applicant's record of birth, or an original certificate of birth that is in the files of the applicable bureau or board under item (iii) and can be readily viewed by the official accepting the application, certified by the issuing state that: (i) is not issued by a hospital and is not a baptismal certificate;(ii) bears the raised or authorized seal of the issuing government jurisdiction or a protective equivalent; and(iii) is issued by:(A) a government bureau of vital statistics or community health board;(B) the United States Department of State as a Record of Birth Abroad, Form FS-545 or Form DS-1350; or(C) a United States embassy as a Consular Report of Birth Abroad, Form FS-240;(2) a certified copy of an adoption certificate with the applicant's full name and date of birth from a United States court of competent jurisdiction that bears the raised court seal or other court certification;(3) an unexpired identification card issued to the applicant by the United States Department of Defense for active duty, reserve, or retired military personnel, Form DD-2 or Common Access Card;(4) a valid, unexpired passport issued to the applicant by the United States Department of State;(5) a Canadian birth certificate or Canadian naturalization certificate;(6) one of the following documents issued by the United States Department of Justice or the United States Department of Homeland Security or any subsequent form or version of the documents:(i) Certificate of Naturalization, Form N-550, Form N-570, or Form N-578;(ii) Certificate of Citizenship, Form N-560, Form N-561, or Form N-645;(iii) United States Citizen Identification card, Form I-179 or Form I-197;(iv) valid, unexpired Permanent Resident or Resident Alien card, Form I-551 or Form I-151;(v) Northern Mariana card, Form I-873, with "Northern Mariana" imprinted instead of "Resident Alien";(vi) American Indian card, Form I-872, with "American Indian" imprinted instead of "Resident Alien";(vii) unexpired employment authorization document with a photograph, Form I-688, Form I-688A, Form I-688B, or Form I-766; or(viii) unexpired Re-entry Permit/Refugee Travel Document, Form I-571;(7) an unexpired passport or a consular identification document that bears a photograph of the applicant;(8) a certified birth certificate issued by a foreign jurisdiction; and(9) a certified adoption certificate issued by a foreign jurisdiction that includes the applicant's name and date of birth.(b) A document submitted under this subdivision must contain security features that make the document as impervious to alteration as is reasonably practicable in its design and quality of material and technology.(c) Submission of more than one primary document is not required under this subdivision.Subd. 5.Secondary documents.(a) For purposes of a noncompliant driver's license or identification card, a secondary document includes:(1) a second primary document listed under subdivision 4, paragraph (a);(2) a driver's license, identification card, or permit, with a photograph or digitized image, issued by a United States state other than Minnesota or a foreign jurisdiction and that is current or has expired no more than five years before the application;(3) a certified copy of a court order or judgment from a United States or Canadian court of competent jurisdiction containing the applicant's full name and date of birth and bearing the raised court seal or other court certification;(4) a current United States or Canadian government jurisdiction employee photo identification card;(5) a certified copy of a record of birth issued by a government jurisdiction other than one in the United States, the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, or the United States Virgin Islands;(6) a current identification card or document issued to the applicant by the United States Department of Defense, described as:(i) DD Form 1173 series, for dependents of active duty personnel; or(ii) DD Form 214, Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty;(7) a copy of a marriage certificate certified by the issuing government jurisdiction or the original certificate only if it is in the files of the issuing jurisdiction and can be readily viewed by the official accepting the application;(8) an unexpired permit to carry a firearm or concealed weapon bearing a color photo of the applicant issued by a chief of police in an organized, full-time United States police department or by a United States county sheriff;(9) a current pilot's license issued by the United States Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration;(10) a copy of a transcript containing the applicant's full legal name and date of birth certified by the issuing secondary or postsecondary school;(11) a United States nonmetal Social Security card or a Canadian social insurance card;(12) a current secondary school student identification card with the student's name, a photograph or electronically produced image of the student, and the student's date of birth or unique student identification number;(13) a notice of action on or proof of submission of a completed Application for Asylum and for Withholding of Removal issued by the United States Department of Homeland Security, Form I-589;(14) a Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant Student Status issued by the United States Department of Homeland Security, Form I-20;(15) a Certificate of Eligibility for Exchange Visitor (J-1) Status issued by the United States Department of State, Form DS-2019;(16) a Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival approval notice issued by the United States Department of Homeland Security;(17) an employment authorization document issued by the United States Department of Homeland Security, Form I-688, Form I-688A, Form I-688B, or Form I-766;(18) a document issued by the Internal Revenue Service with an individual taxpayer identification number;(19) a Social Security card;(20) a Supplemental Security Income award statement;(21) a Selective Service card;(22) military orders that are still in effect at the time of the application with a copy of a DD Form 2058 State of Legal Residence Certificate;(23) a Minnesota unemployment insurance benefit statement;(24) a valid identification card for health benefits or an assistance or social services program;(25) a Minnesota vehicle certificate of title;(26) mortgage documents for the applicant's residence;(27) a filed property deed or title for the applicant's residence;(28) a Minnesota property tax statement or a proposed Minnesota property tax notice;(29) a certified copy of a divorce decree or dissolution of marriage issued by a court that specifies the applicant's name or name change;(30) a valid Department of Corrections or Federal Bureau of Prisons identification card containing the applicant's full name, date of birth, and photograph; and(31) any of the following documents issued by a foreign jurisdiction:(i) a driver's license that is current or has been expired for no more than five years before the application;(ii) a high school, college, or university student identification card with a certified transcript from the school;(iii) an official high school, college, or university transcript that includes the applicant's date of birth and a photograph of the applicant at the age the record was issued;(iv) a federal electoral card that contains the applicant's photograph issued on or after January 1, 1991;(v) a certified copy of the applicant's certificate of marriage; and(vi) a certified copy of a court order or judgment from a court of competent jurisdiction that contains the applicant's name and date of birth.(b) Submission of more than one secondary document is not required under this subdivision.Subd. 6.Verification.The department must be able to verify with the issuing jurisdiction the issuance and authenticity of the primary or secondary documents submitted under this section. Verification is required if:
(1) the document provided by the applicant is inconsistent with the department record;(2) the document provided by the applicant appears to be altered or fraudulent; or(3) there is reason to believe the applicant is not who the applicant claims to be.Added by 2024 Minn. Laws, ch. 104,s 1-63, eff. 8/1/2024.