When applying sanctions authorized under this section, the commissioner shall consider the nature, chronicity, or severity of the violation of law or rule and the effect of the violation on the health, safety, or rights of persons served by the program.
A license holder who has had a license issued under this chapter suspended, revoked, or has been ordered to pay a fine must be given notice of the action by certified mail, by personal service, or through the provider licensing and reporting hub. If mailed, the notice must be mailed to the address shown on the application or the last known address of the license holder. The notice must state in plain language the reasons the license was suspended or revoked, or a fine was ordered.
If a license holder licensed to place children for adoption fails to provide services as described in the disclosure form required by section 259.37, subdivision 2, the sanctions under this section may be imposed.
For licensed family child care providers and child care centers, upon receipt of any order of license suspension, temporary immediate suspension, fine, or revocation issued by the commissioner under this section, and notwithstanding a pending appeal of the order of license suspension, temporary immediate suspension, fine, or revocation by the license holder, the license holder shall post the order of license suspension, temporary immediate suspension, fine, or revocation in a place that is conspicuous to the people receiving services and all visitors to the facility for two years. When the order of license suspension, temporary immediate suspension, fine, or revocation is accompanied by a maltreatment investigation memorandum prepared under section 626.557 or chapter 260E, the investigation memoranda must be posted with the order of license suspension, temporary immediate suspension, fine, or revocation.
Within 15 working days of receipt of the license holder's timely appeal of a sanction under this section other than a temporary immediate suspension, the commissioner shall request assignment of an administrative law judge. The commissioner's request must include a proposed date, time, and place of a hearing. A hearing must be conducted by an administrative law judge within 90 calendar days of the request for assignment, unless an extension is requested by either party and granted by the administrative law judge for good cause or for purposes of discussing settlement. In no case shall one or more extensions be granted for a total of more than 90 calendar days unless there is a criminal or juvenile court action pending against the license holder or another individual subject to a background study.
Minn. Stat. § 142B.18