When any person whose duty it is to list shall refuse or neglect to list personal property when called on by the assessor, or to take and subscribe the required oath in regard to the truth of a statement, or any part thereof, the assessor shall enter opposite the name of such person, in an appropriate column, the words "refused to list," or "refused to swear," as the case may be; and when any person whose duty it is to list is absent, or unable from sickness to list, the assessor shall enter opposite the name of such person, in an appropriate column, the word "absent" or "sick." The assessor may administer oaths to all persons who by this chapter are required to swear, or whom the assessor may require to testify, and may examine, upon oath, any person supposed to have knowledge of the amount or value of the personal property of any person refusing to list or to verify a list of personal property.
Minn. Stat. § 273.67
(2032) RL s 845; 1986 c 444