Section 13D.02 - OTHER ENTITY MEETINGS BY INTERACTIVE TECHNOLOGYSubdivision 1.Conditions.(a) A meeting governed by section 13D.01, subdivisions 1, 2, 4, and 5, and this section may be conducted by interactive technology so long as:(1) all members of the body participating in the meeting, wherever their physical location, can hear and see one another and can hear and see all discussion and testimony presented at any location at which at least one member is present;(2) members of the public present at the regular meeting location of the body can hear and see all discussion and testimony and all votes of members of the body;(3) at least one member of the body is physically present at the regular meeting location;(4) all votes are conducted by roll call so each member's vote on each issue can be identified and recorded; and(5) each location at which a member of the body is present is open and accessible to the public.(b) A meeting satisfies the requirements of paragraph (a), although a member of the public body participates from a location that is not open or accessible to the public, if the member has not participated more than three times in a calendar year from a location that is not open or accessible to the public, and:(1) the member is serving in the military and is at a required drill, deployed, or on active duty; or(2) the member has been advised by a health care professional against being in a public place for personal or family medical reasons.Subd. 1a.Meeting exception.This section applies to meetings of entities described in section 13D.01, subdivision 1, except meetings of:
(1) a state agency, board, commission, or department, and a statewide public pension plan defined in section 356A.01, subdivision 24; and(2) a committee, subcommittee, board, department, or commission of an entity listed in clause (1).Subd. 2.Members are present for quorum; participation.Each member of a body participating in a meeting by interactive technology is considered present at the meeting for purposes of determining a quorum and participating in all proceedings.
Subd. 3.Monitoring from remote site.If interactive technology is used to conduct a meeting, to the extent practical, a public body shall allow a person to monitor the meeting electronically from a remote location.
Subd. 4.Notice of regular and all member locations.If interactive technology is used to conduct a regular, special, or emergency meeting, the public body shall provide notice of the regular meeting location and notice of any location where a member of the public body will be participating in the meeting by interactive technology, except for the locations of members participating pursuant to subdivision 1, paragraph (b). The timing and method of providing notice must be as described in section 13D.04.
Subd. 5.MS 2020 [Repealed by amendment, 2021 c 14 s 5]
Subd. 6.Record.The minutes for a meeting conducted under this section must reflect the names of any members appearing by interactive technology and state the reason or reasons for the appearance by interactive technology.
1957 c 773 s 1; 1967 c 462 s 1; 1973 c 123 art 5 s 7; 1973 c 654 s 15; 1973 c 680 s 1,3; 1975 c 271 s 6; 1981 c 174 s 1; 1983 c 137 s 1; 1983 c 274 s 18; 1984 c 462 s 27; 1987 c 313 s 1; 1990 c 550 s 2, 3; 1991 c 292 art 8 s 12; 1991 c 319 s 22; 1994 c 618 art 1 s 39; 1997 c 154 s 2; 1Sp2011 c 11 art 2s 1
Amended by 2023 Minn. Laws, ch. 62,s 3-1, eff. 7/1/2023.Amended by 2021 Minn. Laws, ch. 14,s 5, eff. 8/1/2021.Amended by 2020 Minn. Laws, ch. 74,s 1-1, eff. 4/15/2020.Amended by 2019 Minn. Laws, ch. 33,s 3, eff. 8/1/2019.Amended by 2019 Minn. Laws, ch. 33,s 2, eff. 8/1/2019.Amended by 2019 Minn. Laws, ch. 33,s 1, eff. 8/1/2019.