The maximum number of hours of work per week shall not exceed either the number prescribed by law or the customary regular number of hours per week for the employees of the company by which the apprentice is employed. Time spent in related and supplemental instruction for any apprentice shall not be included in the maximum number of hours of work per workweek.
An apprentice may be allowed to work overtime provided that the overtime work does not conflict with related instruction course attendance. All time in excess of the number of hours of work per week as specified in the apprenticeship agreement shall be considered overtime. For overtime, the apprentice's rate of pay shall be increased by the same percentage as the journeyworker's rate of pay for overtime is increased in the same industry or establishment.
If the apprentice is not covered by a collective bargaining agreement, the journeyworker wage rate upon which the apprenticeship agreement graduated schedule of wages is calculated shall be:
Minn. Stat. § 178.044
2014 c 305 s 8