Minn. Stat. § 480.15
The court administrator shall, under the supervision and direction of the chief justice, have the powers and duties prescribed by this section.
The court administrator shall examine the administrative methods and systems employed in the offices of the judges, court administrators, reporters, and employees of the courts and make recommendations, through the chief justice for the improvement of the same.
The court administrator shall examine the state of dockets of the courts and determine the need for assistance by any court.
The court administrator shall make recommendations to the chief justice relating to the assignment of judges where courts are in need of assistance and carry out the direction of the chief justice as to the assignments of judges to counties and districts where the courts are in need of assistance.
The court administrator shall collect and compile statistical and other data and make reports of the business transacted by the courts and transmit the same to the chief justice and to the respective houses of the legislature to the end that proper action may be taken in respect thereto.
The court administrator shall prepare and submit budget estimates of state appropriations necessary for the maintenance and operation of the judicial system and make recommendations in respect thereto.
The court administrator shall collect statistical and other data and make reports relating to the expenditure of public money, state and local, for the maintenance and operation of the judicial system and the offices connected therewith.
The court administrator shall obtain reports from court administrators in accordance with law or rules adopted by the supreme court of this state on cases and other judicial business in which action has been delayed beyond periods of time specified by law or rules of court and make report thereof to the supreme court of this state and to the respective houses of the legislature.
The court administrator shall collect, compile, and report the data on (1) charges and convictions for driving after suspension or revocation, and (2) payment of fines for violations related to operation of a motor vehicle, as required under section 171.325.
The court administrator shall formulate and submit to the respective houses of the legislature recommendations of policies for the improvement of the judicial system.
The court administrator shall submit annually, as of February 1, to the chief justice and the judicial council, a report of the activities of the Court Administrator's Office for the preceding calendar year.
The court administrator shall prepare uniform standards and procedures for the recruitment, evaluation, promotion, in-service training and discipline of all personnel in the court system other than judges, referees, judicial officers, court reporters and court services officers. The court administrator shall file a report on the uniform standards and procedures with the legislature by June 30, 1978.
The court administrator shall promulgate and administer uniform requirements for court budget and information systems, the compilation of statistical information, and the collection, storage and use of court records.
Collection costs shall include the fees of the collection entity, and may include, if separately provided, skip tracing fees, credit bureau reporting charges, fees assessed by any public entity for obtaining information necessary for debt collection, or other collection-related costs. Collection costs shall also include the costs of one or more court employees employed by the state court administrator to provide a collection interface between the collection entity, the Department of Revenue, and the courts.
If the collection entity collects an amount less than the total due, the payment is applied proportionally to collection costs and the underlying debt. Collection costs in excess of collection agency fees and court employee collection interface costs must be deposited in the general fund as nondedicated receipts.
The court administrator shall attend to such other matters consistent with the powers delegated herein as may be assigned by the supreme court of this state.
The court administrator shall review plans submitted by a judicial district for office equipment under section 484.68, subdivision 3, clause (5), and shall determine eligibility for state funding or reimbursement for the equipment.
Minn. Stat. § 480.15
1963 c 758 s 3; 1971 c 81 s 2; 1977 c 432 s 6; 1Sp1986 c 3 art 1 s 82; 1987 c 404 s 178; 1993 c 13 art 1 s 45; 2009 c 83 art 2s 28