Any eligible Minnesota voter who is a trained or certified emergency response provider or utility worker who is deployed in response to any state of emergency declared by the President of the United States or any governor of any state within the United States during the time period authorized by law for absentee voting or on election day may request that ballots, instructions, and a certificate of voter eligibility be transmitted to the voter electronically. Upon receipt of a properly completed application requesting electronic transmission, the county auditor must electronically transmit the requested materials to the voter. The county auditor is not required to provide return postage to voters to whom ballots are transmitted electronically.
Any eligible Minnesota voter with a print disability, including any voter with disabilities that interfere with the effective reading, writing, or use of printed materials, may request that ballots, instructions, and a certificate of voter eligibility be transmitted to the voter electronically in an accessible format that meets Election Assistance Commission minimum accessibility requirements. Upon receipt of a properly completed application requesting electronic transmission, the county auditor shall electronically transmit the requested materials to the voter. The county auditor must also mail the voter materials required under section 203B.07.
A voter receiving a ballot electronically under subdivision 1 or 2 must print and return the voter's voted ballot and the certificate of voter eligibility to the county auditor in a sealed envelope. A voter must not return the ballot or certificate of voter eligibility electronically. A ballot that is returned electronically must be rejected and must not be counted.
Minn. Stat. § 203B.29