Section 609.593 - DAMAGE OR THEFT TO ENERGY TRANSMISSION OR TELECOMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENTSubdivision 1.Crime.Whoever intentionally and without consent from one authorized to give consent causes any damage to or takes, removes, severs, or breaks:
(1) any line erected or maintained for the purpose of transmitting electricity for light, heat, or power, or any insulator or cross-arm, appurtenance or apparatus connected to the line, or any wire, cable, or current of the line; or any component used in the generation, transmission, or distribution of electricity, including equipment used for grounding, system protection, or personnel protection;(2) any pipe or main or hazardous liquid pipeline erected, operated, or maintained for the purpose of transporting, conveying, or distributing gas or other hazardous liquids for light, heat, power, or any other purpose, or any part of the pipe, main, or pipeline, or any valve, meter, holder, compressor, machinery, appurtenance, equipment, or apparatus connected with any main or pipeline; or(3) any machinery, equipment, or fixtures used in receiving, initiating, amplifying, processing, transmitting, retransmitting, recording, switching, or monitoring telecommunications services, such as computers, transformers, amplifiers, routers, repeaters, multiplexers, and other items performing comparable functions; and machinery, equipment, and fixtures used in the transportation of telecommunications services, radio transmitters and receivers, satellite equipment, microwave equipment, and other transporting media including wire, cable, fiber, poles, and conduit; is guilty of a crime and may be sentenced as provided in subdivision 2.
Subd. 2.Penalty.Whoever violates subdivision 1 is guilty of a felony and may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than five years or to payment of a fine of not more than $10,000, or both.
2007 c 54 art 2 s 16; 2016 c 152 s 1
Amended by 2016 Minn. Laws, ch. 152,s 1, eff. 8/1/2016.