Mich. Comp. Laws § 780.25a

Current through Public Act 64 of the 2024 Legislative Session
Section 780.25a - Delivering individual to demanding state without governor's warrant

Notwithstanding section 3, a law enforcement agency in this state holding an individual who is alleged to have broken the terms of his or her probation, parole, bail, or other release in the demanding state shall immediately deliver the individual to the authorized agent of the demanding state without the requirement of a governor's warrant if all of the following have occurred:

(a) The individual has signed a prior waiver of extradition as a term of his or her current probation, parole, bail, or other release in the demanding state.
(b) The law enforcement agency holding the individual has received a copy of the prior waiver of extradition signed by the individual and confirmed by the demanding agency.
(c) The law enforcement agency has received photographs, fingerprints, or other evidence that properly identify the individual who signed the waiver.

MCL 780.25a

Add. 1994, Act 380, Imd. Eff. 12/27/1994.