Section 600.1811 - Process; appointment of substitute server(1) The judge of any circuit court of this state may in any suit or proceeding commenced or pending therein, on the application of any party thereto, appoint some disinterested person to serve any process or other papers, or to do any act therein which the sheriff by law might do in the cause, if the sheriff and coroners of the county are parties, or interested or incapacitated to act.(2) The appointment shall be in writing, signed by the judge, and filed in the cause. The person so appointed has the same power conferred upon him, and shall proceed in the same manner prescribed for the sheriff in the performance of like duties. The fees payable to such person shall be the same as those payable to sheriffs by virtue of the provisions of law in that behalf for like services.(3) The judge may, in his discretion, require the person so appointed, before acting under said appointment, to give a bond to the people of this state in such penal sum, and with such surety or sureties as the judge may approve, conditioned for the faithful performance and execution by such person of his duties in such case, without fraud, deceit or oppression, and for the payment of all moneys that may come into his hands by virtue of such appointment.(4) The person so appointed is deemed a coroner of the county, and is liable in all respects to all the provisions of law respecting sheriffs, so far as the same may be applicable.1961, Act 236, Eff. 1/1/1963.