The coordinates for a point on or near the earth's surface that are used to express the geographic position of that point in the appropriate zone of this system shall consist of 2 distances. Each distance shall be expressed in United States survey feet (1 foot = 12/39.37 meters) and decimals of a survey foot if using the Michigan coordinate system of 1927, or shall be expressed in meters and decimals of a meter or in international feet (1 foot = 0.3048 meter) and decimals of an international foot if using the Michigan coordinate system of 1983. One of these distances, to be known as the "x-coordinate", shall give the position in an east and west direction; the other distance, to be known as the "y-coordinate", shall give the position in a north and south direction. The coordinates shall depend upon and conform to values published by the NOAA/NGS for the monumented points of the North American horizontal geodetic control network, the coordinates of which monumented points were computed on the systems designated in this act.
MCL 54.233