Your credit agreement with us requires you to have property insurance on the collateral until you pay off your loan. You have not given us proof you have insurance on the property. You can ask your insurance company or agent to give us proof of insurance or you can send us proof you have property insurance within 10 calendar days after the date this letter was postmarked. If you do not, we will buy the insurance and charge the cost to you.
You must pay for the property insurance we buy. It may cost more than insurance you can buy on your own. The cost of the insurance we buy may be added to your loan balance and we may charge you interest on it. If we do, you will pay interest at the same rate you pay on your loan.
The insurance we buy will pay claims to us (the creditor) for physical damage to your property. It will not pay any claims made against you [and it may not pay you for any claims you make (delete if limited dual interest coverage)]. The insurance we buy will not give you any liability insurance coverage and will not meet the requirements of a state's financial responsibility law.
We may receive compensation for placing this insurance, which is included in the cost of coverage charged to you.
The property coverage we buy will start on the date shown in the policy or certificate, which may go back to the date of the loan or the date your prior coverage stopped. We will cancel the insurance we bought for you and give you a refund or credit of unearned charges if you give us proof you have bought property insurance somewhere else or if you have paid off the loan.
MCL 500.1625