Mich. Comp. Laws § 457.471
That the great hive of the Ladies of the Maccabees of the state of Michigan and any subordinate hives duly chartered by such great hive pursuant to the provisions of the constitution and laws of said great hive, may become a body corporate and politic in the manner following:
First, At some regular review of such great hive held pursuant to the constitution and laws thereof, a resolution shall be adopted by a vote of 2/3 of all the members present, expressing the desire and determination of such great hive to become incorporated and directing the great executive committee to perfect such incorporation.
Second, On such resolution being so passed, the great executive committee shall prepare articles of association, under their hands and the seal of such great hive, setting forth the number, name and location of all subordinate hives then in good standing, under the jurisdiction of such great hive, the name by which the great hive is known, the date of its organization, a copy of the resolution mentioned in the first subdivision of this act, the corporate name by which the great hive shall be known in law, the object and purpose of the association, and the period for which it is incorporated, not exceeding 30 years, to which shall be appended a copy of the constitution, laws and by-laws of the great hive.
Third, The great recorder shall make and annex to such articles of association, an affidavit stating the official position occupied in the great hive by the several members of the executive committee, that the resolution, a copy of which is set out in the articles of association, was duly passed at a review of said great hive held pursuant to the constitution and that the same was passed by a 2/3 vote of all the members present, that all the statements in said articles of association are true to the best of her knowledge, information and belief, and that the constitution, laws, and by-laws of such great hive, a copy of which is appended to such articles of association, has been duly adopted by such great hive.
Fourth, A copy of such articles of association with all the papers mentioned in the second subdivision of this act and of the affidavit of said great recorder, by her duly attested, shall be filed with the corporation and securities bureau of the department of commerce.
MCL 457.471