Mich. Comp. Laws § 333.22111

Current through Public Act 190 of the 2024 Legislative Session
Section 333.22111 - Issuance of citations for immediate jeopardy or substandard qualify of care; notification
(1) The department shall maintain the process by which the director of the long-term care division of the department reviews and authorizes the issuance of a citation for immediate jeopardy or substandard quality of care before a statement of deficiencies is made final. The review must ensure the consistent and accurate application of federal and state survey protocols and defined regulatory standards.
(2) On the discovery of a potential immediate jeopardy, a nursing home surveyor shall communicate with the nursing home administrator, the director of nursing for the nursing home, or the medical director of the nursing home, if available, to review the issues of concern and to give the nursing home an opportunity to share any data or documentation that may have an impact on a decision by the department to authorize the issuance of a citation for immediate jeopardy. If a citation for immediate jeopardy is issued to a nursing home, the department shall do both of the following:
(a) Contact the nursing home, at least once per day, until the immediate jeopardy is abated.
(b) Ensure that at least 1 nursing home surveyor remains on-site at the nursing home until the immediate jeopardy is abated unless the department determines that having a nursing home surveyor on-site at the nursing home is not practical.

MCL 333.22111

Added by 2022, Act 187,s 19, eff. 7/25/2022.