Mich. Comp. Laws § 324.11523a

Current through Public Act 148 of the 2024 Legislative Session
Section 324.11523a - Operation of landfill subject to MCL 324.11523(1)(b)
(1) The department shall not issue a license to operate a landfill that is subject to section 11523(1)(b) unless the applicant demonstrates that the combination of the landfill care fund and the financial capability of the applicant as evidenced by a financial test provides financial assurance in an amount not less than that required by this section. An applicant may utilize a financial test for an amount not more than 70% of the closure, postclosure, and corrective action cost estimate. For applications for a license to operate submitted on or after the date 2 years after the effective date of the amendatory act that added subsection (3)(c), an applicant may utilize a financial test for an amount more than 70% but not more than 95% of the closure, postclosure, and corrective action cost estimate if the owner or operator demonstrates that the owner or operator passes a financial test under and otherwise meets the requirements of R 299.9709 of the MAC.
(2) An applicant may demonstrate compliance with this section by submitting to the department evidence that the applicant has financial assurance for any existing unit or new unit in an amount equal to or more than the sum of the following standardized costs:
(a) A standard closure cost estimate. The standard closure cost estimate shall be based upon the sum of the following costs in 2018 dollars, adjusted for inflation and partial closures, if any, as specified in subsections (4) and (5):
(i) A base cost of $40,000.00 per acre to construct a compacted soil final cover using on-site material.
(ii) A supplemental cost of $40,000.00 per acre, to install a synthetic cover liner, if required by rules under this part.
(iii) A supplemental cost of $10,000.00 per acre, if low permeability soil must be transported from off-site to construct the final cover or if a bentonite geocomposite liner is used instead of low permeability soil in a composite cover.
(iv) A supplemental cost of $9,000.00 per acre, to construct a passive gas collection system in the final cover or a supplemental cost of $15,000.00 per acre for an active gas collection and control system, for those areas without a gas collection and control system already installed.
(b) A standard postclosure cost estimate. The standard postclosure cost estimate shall be based upon the sum of the following costs, adjusted for inflation as specified in section 11525(3):
(i) A final cover maintenance cost of $400.00 per acre per year.
(ii) A leachate disposal cost of $400.00 per acre per year.
(iii) A leachate transportation cost of $4,000.00 per acre per year, if leachate is required to be transported off-site for treatment.
(iv) An active gas collection and control system maintenance cost of $900.00 per acre per year for active gas collection and control systems subject to the requirements of standards of performance for new stationary sources, 40 CFR part 60.
(v) An active gas collection and control system maintenance cost of $500.00 per acre per year for landfills not subject to the requirements of standards of performance for new stationary sources, 40 CFR part 60.
(vi) A passive gas collection system maintenance cost of $35.00 per acre per year.
(vii) A groundwater monitoring cost of $2,000.00 per monitoring well per year.
(viii) A gas monitoring cost of $200.00 per monitoring point per year, for monitoring points used to detect landfill gas at or beyond the facility property boundary.
(c) A corrective action cost estimate, if any. The corrective action cost estimate shall be a detailed written estimate, in current dollars, of the cost of hiring a third party to perform corrective action in compliance with part 115.
(3) Instead of using some or all of the standardized costs specified in subsection (2), an applicant may use the site-specific costs of closure or postclosure maintenance and monitoring. A site-specific cost estimate shall be a written estimate, in current dollars, of the cost of hiring a third party to perform the activity. For the purposes of this subsection, a parent corporation or a subsidiary of the owner or operator is not a third party. Site-specific cost estimates shall comply with the following, as applicable:
(a) For closure, be based on the cost to close the largest area of the landfill requiring a final cover at any time during the active life, when the extent and manner of its operation would make closure the most expensive, in compliance with the approved closure plan. The closure cost estimate shall not incorporate any salvage value from the sale of structures, land, equipment, or other assets associated with the facility at the time of final closure.
(b) For postclosure, be based on the cost at any given time to conduct postclosure maintenance and monitoring in compliance with the approved postclosure plan for the next 30 years of the postclosure period, or for the remainder of the postclosure period if the remainder is less than 30 years. However, the applicant shall submit to the department an estimate of the postclosure maintenance and monitoring cost for the entire postclosure period.
(c) For costs for operation and maintenance of an on-site wastewater treatment facility managing leachate at a landfill that are substituted for the standardized leachate disposal and transportation costs of this section, be based on an engineering evaluation of total wastewater flow and include utilities, staffing, and incidental costs to maintain and ensure compliance with all applicable permits.
(4) The owner or operator of a landfill subject to this section shall, during the active life of the landfill and during the postclosure care period, annually adjust the financial assurance cost estimates and corresponding amount of financial assurance for inflation. The standard closure cost estimate and corrective action cost estimate shall be adjusted for inflation by multiplying the cost estimate by an inflation factor derived from the most recent United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation Composite Index published by the United States Department of Commerce or another index that is more representative of the costs of closure and postclosure monitoring and maintenance as approved by the department. The owner or operator shall document the adjustment on a form consistent with part 115 as provided or approved by the department and shall place the documentation in the operating record of the facility.
(5) The owner or operator of a landfill subject to this section may request that the department authorize a reduction in the approved cost estimates and corresponding financial assurance for the landfill. Within 60 days after receiving the financial assurance reduction request under this subdivision, the department shall approve or deny the request in writing. A denial shall state the reasons for the denial. A financial assurance reduction request shall certify completion of any of the following activities:
(a) Partial closure of the landfill. The current closure cost estimate for partially closed portions of a landfill unit may be reduced by 80%, if the maximum waste slope on the unclosed portions of the unit does not exceed 25%. The percentage of the cost estimate reduction approved by the department for the partially closed portion shall be reduced 1% for every 1% increase in the slope of waste over 25% in the active portion. An owner or operator requesting a reduction in financial assurance for partial closure shall submit with the request a certification under the seal of a licensed professional engineer of both of the following:
(i) That a portion of the licensed landfill unit has reached final grades and has had a final cover installed in compliance with the approved closure plan and part 115.
(ii) The maximum slope of waste in the active portion of the landfill unit at the time of partial closure.
(b) Final closure of the landfill. An owner or operator requesting a cost estimate reduction for final closure shall submit with the request a certification under the seal of a licensed professional engineer that closure of that landfill unit has been fully completed in compliance with the approved closure plan for the landfill. Within 60 days of receiving a certification under this subdivision, the department shall perform a consistency review of the submitted certification and do 1 of the following:
(i) Approve the certification and notify the owner or operator that the closure cost estimate may be reduced to zero.
(ii) Disapprove the certification and provide the owner or operator with a detailed written statement of the reasons the department has determined that closure certification has not been conducted in compliance with part 115 or an approved closure plan.
(c) Postclosure maintenance and monitoring. A landfill owner or operator may request a reduction in the postclosure cost estimate and corresponding financial assurance for 1 year or more of postclosure maintenance and monitoring if final closure of a landfill unit has been completed and the landfill has been monitored and maintained in compliance with the approved postclosure plan. Within 60 days after receiving a cost estimate reduction request, the department shall grant written approval or issue a written denial stating the reason for denial. If the department grants the request, the owner or operator may reduce the postclosure cost estimate to reflect the number of years remaining in the postclosure period. The department shall deny the request if the owner or operator has not performed the specific tasks consistent with part 115 and an approved postclosure plan. The department shall not grant a request under this subdivision to reduce the postclosure cost estimate and the corresponding financial assurance to below the maximum required perpetual care fund amount specified in section 11525(3) unless the owner or operator has demonstrated within the past 5-year period that the landfill is on target to achieve functional stability as described in section 11517 within the time remaining in the postclosure period.
(6) The owner or operator of a landfill subject to this section may request a reduction in the amount of 1 or more of the financial assurance mechanisms in place. If the combined value of the remaining financial assurance mechanisms equals the amount required under this section, the department shall approve the request.

MCL 324.11523a

Amended by 2022, Act 246,s 2, eff. 3/29/2023.
Amended by 2018, Act 640,s 18, eff. 12/28/2018.
Amended by 2013, Act 250,s 3, eff. 12/26/2013.
Add. 1996, Act 359, Imd. Eff. 7/1/1996.