Mich. Comp. Laws § 324.9503

Current through Public Act 190 of the 2024 Legislative Session
Section 324.9503 - Pollution control devices as condition to mooring or operating watercraft; rendering bypass connection, pump, or other device incapable of discharging sewage; exempting certain watercraft by rule; inspection; sticker
(1) Except as otherwise provided in this section, a person shall not moor or operate a watercraft, or permit the mooring or operation of his or her watercraft, on the waters of this state if the watercraft has a marine sanitation device, unless the marine sanitation device is equipped with 1 or more of the following pollution control devices:
(a) An approved holding tank that will retain all sewage produced on the watercraft for subsequent disposal at approved dockside or onshore collection and treatment facilities.
(b) An incinerating device that will reduce to ash all sewage produced on the watercraft. The ash shall be disposed of onshore in a manner that will preclude pollution.
(2) Except as otherwise provided in this section, a person shall not moor or operate a watercraft on the waters of this state if the watercraft has a marine sanitation device that is equipped with any type of bypass connection, pump, or other means of directly or indirectly discharging sewage into the waters of this state, unless the bypass connection, pump, or other device has been rendered incapable of directly or indirectly discharging sewage into the waters of this state. This subsection does not prohibit a properly installed discharge line used to empty a holding tank or retention device at an onshore sewage pump-out station, or prohibit the use of a portable marine sanitation device. A bypass connection, pump, or other device shall be rendered incapable of directly or indirectly discharging sewage into the waters of this state by 1 of the following methods:
(a) Removing a section of the pipe or tubing that allows discharge of sewage into the waters of this state, placing a cap over the pipe or tubing that remains attached to the marine sanitation device, and placing a seal approved by the department over the cap in a manner that precludes reattaching the pipe or tubing without breaking the seal. To comply with the requirements of this subsection, the seal must be unbroken at the time an inspection occurs.
(b) Closing a valve that will prevent all discharge of sewage into the waters of the state, and placing a seal approved by the department over the valve handle in a manner that precludes reopening the valve without breaking the seal. To comply with the requirements of this subsection, the seal must be unbroken at the time an inspection occurs.
(3) The department, by rule, may exempt certain oceangoing watercraft from the requirements of this section.
(4) If the department conducts an inspection to determine whether a watercraft is in compliance with this section and finds that the watercraft is in compliance, the department shall place a sticker on the watercraft that lists the date that the watercraft was inspected. The department shall not inspect a watercraft for compliance with this section more than once per year except upon probable cause.

MCL 324.9503

1994, Act 451, Eff. 3/30/1995 .