Mich. Comp. Laws § 207.20

Current through Public Act 64 of the 2024 Legislative Session
Section 207.20 - Bribery; forfeiture, criminal prosecution

If any person, company, association or corporation whose property is subject to assessment under this act shall directly or indirectly promise, offer or give to any member of said board, during his term of office, or to any other person at his request, any gratuity of any kind whatever, such person or corporation shall forfeit to the state the sum of 10,000 dollars for each such offense, to be recovered in an action in the name of the people of the state of Michigan, in any court of competent jurisdiction. And the recovery of such fine under this act shall not constitute a bar to any prosecution of the person or corporation so offending under the criminal laws of this state.

MCL 207.20

1905, Act 282, Eff. 9/16/1905 ;--CL 1915, 4232 ;--CL 1929, 3571 ;--CL 1948, 207.20.