Mich. Comp. Laws § 168.768a

Current through Public Act 190 of the 2024 Legislative Session
Section 168.768a - Absent voter ballot drop off; instructions
(1) Except as otherwise provided under subsection (4), an absent voter may take the absent voter's marked absent voter ballot to the absent voter's election day polling place or to an appropriate early voting site during the early voting period as provided under section 4(1)(m) of article II of the state constitution of 1963 to personally put the absent voter's marked absent voter ballot into a tabulator to be tabulated. An absent voter described under this subsection shall do all of the following:
(a) Place the marked absent voter ballot in the secrecy sleeve that was provided to the absent voter.
(b) Bring the marked absent voter ballot in the secrecy sleeve to the absent voter's election day polling place or early voting site.
(c) Comply with the same identification requirements as an elector voting in person under section 523.
(2) If an elector brings an absent voter ballot to an election day polling place or to an early voting site without a secrecy sleeve, an election inspector shall provide a secrecy sleeve to that elector and instruct the elector to place the absent voter ballot in the secrecy sleeve.
(3) The election inspectors processing an absent voter under this section must note in the poll book that the absent voter returned the absent voter's absent voter ballot to the election day polling place or early voting site and that the absent voter's absent voter ballot was tabulated.
(4) If the tabulators in an election day polling place cannot be programmed to accept and tabulate absent voter ballots as provided under section 764a(3), an absent voter is not authorized to return the absent voter's absent voter ballot to an election day polling place to be tabulated as provided under section 764a(3). An absent voter may still return the absent voter's absent voter ballot to an election day polling place, surrender the absent voter ballot to an election inspector, be issued another ballot, and vote that ballot in the polling place.

MCL 168.768a

Added by 2023, Act 81,s 29, eff. 2/13/2024.