1.Responsibilities. The board shall: A. Complete an assessment of the State's public land acquisition needs and develop a strategy and guidelines, based on that assessment, for use in allocating the proceeds of the Land for Maine's Future Trust Fund, the Conservation and Recreation Fund and the Public Access to Maine Waters Fund. Both the assessment and the development of a strategy and guidelines must be conducted with opportunities for participation by interested state agencies and the public; [2023, c. 284, §12 (AMD).]B. [1993, c. 728, §8 (RP).]C. Receive and review funding requests from state agencies and cooperating entities for acquisition projects meeting state guidelines; [1987, c. 858, §4 (RPR).]D. In accordance with the strategy and guidelines developed under paragraph A, authorize distribution of proceeds from the Land for Maine's Future Trust Fund, the Conservation and Recreation Fund and the Public Access to Maine Waters Fund for acquisitions of property or interests in property; and [2023, c. 284, §13 (AMD).]E. On January 1st of every odd-numbered year, report to the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over matters pertaining to state parks and public lands on expenditures from the Land for Maine's Future Trust Fund, the Conservation and Recreation Fund and the Public Access to Maine Waters Fund and revisions to the strategies and guidelines. This report must include a description of access to land and interest in land acquired during the report period. If an acquisition has been made that does not include guaranteed public vehicular access to the land acquired, the board must provide justification for that acquisition and a plan for continuing efforts to acquire guaranteed public access to the land. This report must include a summary of the board's experience during the reporting period with projects funded pursuant to section 6203-A, 6203-D or 6203-E and in which the land or interest in land is acquired by a cooperating entity. This report must also include on a county-by-county basis a summary of the expenditures made by the board and acreage conserved through acquisition of fee or less-than-fee interest by the board during the report period. Each report must include cumulative totals by county of acreage conserved through acquisition of fee or less-than-fee interest through action by the board. The report must include maps based on available information and at a statewide level that show federal, state and other public lands and permanent interests in lands held for conservation purposes. The maps must also provide a representation of the amount of land affected by conservation easements under Title 33, chapter 7, subchapter 8-A. Other state agencies holding conservation lands and interests in lands held for conservation purposes shall assist in the preparation of the maps. [2023, c. 284, §14 (AMD).]
[2023, c. 284, §§12-14 (AMD).]
Amended by 2023SP1, c. 284,§ 14, eff. 6/23/2023.Amended by 2023SP1, c. 284,§ 13, eff. 6/23/2023.Amended by 2023SP1, c. 284,§ 12, eff. 6/23/2023.1987, c. 506, §§1,4 (NEW) . 1987, c. 858, § 4 (RPR) . 1993, c. 728, § 8 (AMD) . 1999, c. 603, § 4 (AMD) . 2001, c. 466, § 1 (AMD) . 2001, c. 548, § 2 (AMD) . 2005, c. 215, § 1 (AMD) . 2007, c. 331, § 1 (AMD) .