By January 1st of each year, the State Auditor shall submit a report to the Executive Director of the Legislative Council and to all joint standing committees of the Legislature regarding the administration of federal grants, programs and awards by state agencies. The report must be based on the most recent single audit conducted pursuant to section 243, subsection 9 and describe all disputed findings in the prior 5 years with regard to the administration of federal grants, programs and awards and any corrective action plans in the single audit reports in the prior 5 years that have not been implemented. [2023, c. 500, §1 (NEW).]
By February 1st of each year, the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over the subject matter of any disputed finding or corrective action plan identified in the report submitted pursuant to this section and that has not been implemented shall invite the State Auditor to provide a briefing at a public meeting of the committee on the report. The committee may report out legislation related to the disputed findings and corrective action plans during the session of the Legislature in which the briefing is held. [2023, c. 500, §1 (NEW).]
5 M.R.S. § 243-C