- Section 231 - Bureau of Watercraft Registration and Safety (REPEALED)
- Section 232 - Regulations; force of law; penalties (REPEALED)
- Section 233 - Certificate required; display of numbers and validation stickers (REPEALED)
- Section 234 - Application and issuance; fees (REPEALED)
- Section 235 - Notice of destruction, abandonment, removal, transfer of ownership, change of address (REPEALED)
- Section 236 - Motorboats carrying passengers for hire (REPEALED)
- Section 237 - Operation of watercraft (REPEALED)
- Section 238 - Safety equipment and regattas (REPEALED)
- Section 239 - Accidents (REPEALED)
- Section 240 - Restrictions on power boats; Portage Lake and Quimby Pond (REPEALED)
- Section 241 - Jerry Pond (REPEALED)
- Section 242 - Ox Brook Lake (REPEALED)
- Section 243 - Nesowadnehunk (Sourdnahunk) Lake (REPEALED)
- Section 244 - Eagle Lake, Jordan Pond And Long Pond; Use Of Power Boats (REPEALED)
- Section 245 - Snow's Pond; Use Of Power Boats (REPEALED)
- Section 246 - Long Pond, Oxford County (REPEALED)
- Section 247 - Lily Pond; Use Of Power Boats (REPEALED)