Me. Stat. tit. 30-A § 3520

Current through 131st (2023-2024) Legislature Chapter 634
Section 3520 - Protection of transit employees
1.Posting of signs. A transit district shall post signs in conspicuous places in all transit district facilities accessible to the public, including a building, terminal, kiosk, shelter or passenger rail, ferry, bus, bicycle or pedestrian facility, informing the public of the penalties for assaulting a transit employee.

[2023, c. 476, §1 (NEW).]

2.De-escalation training. All employees of a transit district must receive de-escalation training upon commencement of employment with the transit district and at least once annually thereafter. The transit district shall jointly approve the de-escalation training curriculum with the labor organization representing a plurality of the employees of the transit district, except that if the transit district is party to a joint labor-management safety committee, the committee shall approve the curriculum. For purposes of this subsection, "de-escalation" means the reduction of violent or disruptive behavior and resolution and minimization of conflict through verbal engagement and calming techniques.

[2023, c. 476, §1 (NEW).]

30-A M.R.S. § 3520

Added by 2023SP1, c. 476,§ 1, eff. 10/25/2023.