Section 7151 - Legislative findings; declaration of policy1.Legislative findings. The Legislature finds that safe, efficient and reliable rail service is essential to the economy of the State, the economic livelihood of industries located in the State, conservation and protection of the environment and the quality of life of the citizens of the State. The Legislature further finds that safe and efficient railroad service is essential to the State's public safety and the continued health and well-being of its citizens, particularly because of railroad transportation of bulk cargoes and hazardous and toxic substances, and the significant dangers that result from mishandling those and other cargoes. [1989, c. 398, §7 (RPR).]
2.Declaration of policy. It is declared to be the policy of the State that the State and its agencies shall cooperate with the Congress of the United States and the appropriate federal agencies to assure the development and maintenance of safe, efficient and reliable rail service for the State. For any railroad line acquired under this chapter, it is the intent of the Legislature that the State may acquire the railroad line, but the State may not be an operator of the railroad. [1991, c. 371 (AMD).]
1987, c. 748, (NEW) . 1989, c. 398, § 7 (RPR) . 1991, c. 371, (AMD) .