Beginning at the northern tip of Long Point, Marshall Island, Hancock County, Maine; then northerly to the navigational buoy at the western entrance to Toothacker Bay, located at 68°30.657' W. Longitude, 44°08.063' N. Latitude; then northeasterly to West Point, Swans Island, Hancock County, Maine; then from Phinney Point on the northeastern shore of Swans Island southeasterly to 68°22.40' W. Longitude, 44°08.79' N. Latitude, Hancock County, Maine; then southwesterly to 68°23.6' W. Longitude, 44°06.4' N. Latitude; then south-southwesterly to 68°24.01' W. Longitude, 44°04.8' N. Latitude; then southerly to 68°23.9' W. Longitude, 44°03.1' N. Latitude, and the intersection with the 3-nautical-mile line of the territorial waters, as shown on United States Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Ocean Service, Office of Coast Survey Chart #13312; then southwesterly along the 3-nautical-mile line of the territorial waters approximately 3.5 miles to a point where a line drawn southeasterly 165° True from the center of Black Ledges intersects the 3-nautical-mile line of the territorial waters at 68°28.6' W. Longitude, 44°01.9' N. Latitude; then northwesterly 345° True to the center of Black Ledges; then northwesterly to the most southerly point of Marshall Island; then along the westerly shore of Marshall Island to the point of beginning.
[2015, c. 68, §8 (AMD).]
12 M.R.S. § 6481