Me. Stat. tit. 12 § 13072

Current through 131st (2023-2024) Legislature Chapter 684
Section 13072 - Harbor masters on inland waters
1. Appointment; compensation. The municipal officers of a town that borders or contains inland waters but does not border or contain territorial waters may appoint a harbor master for a term of not less than one year and may establish the harbor master's compensation. Except as provided in subsection 2-A, the harbor master is subject to all the duties and liabilities of that office as prescribed by state law, municipal ordinances and rules promulgated by the municipality. The municipal officers may remove the harbor master from office for cause, declared in writing, after due notice to the harbor master and a hearing, if requested.

For purposes of this subsection, "territorial waters" has the same meaning as provided in section 6001, subsection 48-B.

[2005, c. 492, §2(AMD).]

2.Authority and responsibility. Except as provided in subsection 2-A, a harbor master appointed under this section shall enforce the watercraft laws of the State and the municipality on any water within the jurisdiction of the municipality.

[2003, c. 614, §9(AFF); 2003, c. 627, §4(AMD).]

2-A. Authority to enforce invasive aquatic species laws. A municipality may appoint a harbor master whose only duties are to enforce the provisions of section 13058 and section 13068-A, subsections 1 and 15 on any water within the jurisdiction of the municipality.

[RR 2003, c. 2, §22(COR).]

3.Jointly appointed harbor masters. The municipal officers of 2 or more municipalities that border on the same inland waters may jointly appoint a single harbor master who has authority over the jurisdictions of all the participating municipalities.

[2003, c. 414, Pt. A, §2(NEW); 2003, c. 614, §9(AFF).]

4.Power to arrest for assault. The municipal officers may prohibit a harbor master from making an arrest or carrying a weapon. A harbor master who is not prohibited from making arrests may arrest and deliver to the law enforcement authorities on shore any person committing an assault upon the harbor master or another person acting under the harbor master's authority. A harbor master may not make arrests or carry a firearm unless the harbor master has successfully completed the training requirements prescribed in Title 25, section 2804-I.

[2005, c. 492, §3(NEW).]

5.Mooring sites. The regulation of moorings in inland waters is governed by Title 38, except that Title 38 may not be construed to require the municipal officers of a town that does not border or contain territorial waters to appoint a harbor master upon the request of a person desiring mooring privileges or the regulation of mooring privileges. Nothing in this subsection limits or expands a municipality's authority to regulate moorings under Title 38 or as otherwise provided in law.

[2005, c. 492, §3(NEW).]

12 M.R.S. § 13072

RR 2003, c. 2, § 22 (COR) . 2003, c. 414, §A2 (NEW) . 2003, c. 414, §D7 (AFF) . 2003, c. 614, § 9 (AFF) . 2003, c. 627, §§4,5 (AMD) . 2005, c. 492, §§2,3 (AMD) .