CATEGORY 1--shall consist of those roads constructed within the past five years and within such condition that all require only routine maintenance activities, including but not limited to roadside vegetation, litter control, sign maintenance, minor repairs to the surface, shoulders, and embankment.
CATEGORY 2--shall include those roadways constructed beyond a five-year period with conditions requiring more than routine maintenance chores. These roadways would require a combination of department forces supplemented with purchase order type contracts.
CATEGORY 3--shall include those roadways which require light rehabilitation including but not limited to joint replacement or heavy patching by purchase contract, as well as routine and heavy maintenance by department forces.
CATEGORY 4--shall include those roadways which require heavy rehabilitation in the form of overlay or extensive joint replacement by purchase order contract. At a minimum, routine maintenance shall be performed on these roads.
CATEGORY 5--shall include those roadways which require reconstruction on the basis of the annual needs study and those roadways included in the Resurfacing, Reconstruction, Rehabilitation, and Restoration Program. At a minimum, sign, roadside vegetation, and emergency maintenance for safety shall be performed on these roads.
La. Roads, Bridges and Ferries § 48:228.1