La. Roads, Bridges and Ferries § 48:55
Rules and regulations of the Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism adopted in pursuance of the aims and purposes of the Louisiana Archaeological Survey and Antiquities Commission and the provisions of R.S. 41:1601-R.S. 41:1613 shall not apply to construction, reconstruction, maintenance, or other projects undertaken by the department unless the secretary, within his discretion, finds the application of such rules and regulations will not cause any undue or expensive delay in the completion of such projects. This Section shall not apply to federal aid projects. Notwithstanding any other provision in the law to the contrary, before any construction, reconstruction, maintenance, or other project is undertaken by the Department of Transportation and Development, the secretary of such department shall notify the Louisiana Archaeological Survey and Antiquities Commission of its intent to let such contract and furnish complete details of such contract to the commission. If during the construction, reconstruction or maintenance of a project undertaken by the Department of Transportation and Development any artifact is uncovered or found, the department shall suspend that part of the project and notify the Louisiana Archaeological Survey and Antiquities Commission of the find and give the commission reasonable opportunity to protect such find or artifact.
La. Roads, Bridges and Ferries § 48:55