La. Revenue and Taxation § 47:337.33

Current with changes from the 2024 3rd Extraordinary Session
Section 47:337.33 - Failure to pay tax; rule to cease business
(1) On motion in a court of competent jurisdiction, the collector may take a rule on a taxpayer, to show cause in not less than two or more than ten days, exclusive of holidays, why the taxpayer should not be ordered to cease from further pursuit of his business for failure to pay to the taxing authority amounts collected from others by his business as sales and use tax, along with any interest, penalty, and costs related to such tax. Such rule may be taken only for amounts due as a result of assessments or judgments which have become final and nonappealable or for amounts shown to have been actually collected from others and not remitted to the collector.
(2) This rule may be tried out of term and in chambers, and shall always be tried by preference.
(a) If the rule is made absolute, the order rendered thereon shall be considered a judgment in favor of the taxing authority, and the court shall enjoin and prohibit the taxpayer from the further pursuit of his business until such time as he has paid the delinquent tax, interest, penalties, and all costs or has entered into an agreement with the collector to do so.
(b) If the collector files a subsequent motion with the court alleging a violation of the injunction, the court shall hold a hearing in not less than two days or more than ten days, exclusive of holidays, to determine whether such violation has occurred. Upon a showing by the collector that there has been a violation of the injunction, the court shall consider the violation to be a contempt of the court and shall punish the violator in accordance with law, and every violation of the injunction shall be considered as a contempt of court.
(4) Whenever the pleadings filed on behalf of the collector shall be accompanied by an affidavit of the collector or of one of his assistants or representatives or of the attorney filing the same, that the facts as alleged are true to the best of the affiant's knowledge or belief, all of the facts alleged in the pleadings shall be accepted as prima facie true and as constituting a prima facie case, and the burden of proof to establish anything to the contrary shall rest wholly on the taxpayer.
(5) The collection procedure provided for in this Subsection shall be in addition to any other collection procedure provided by law. When issuing an order pursuant to this Subsection, the Board of Tax Appeals or any court of competent jurisdiction, upon proper showing, may also render a money judgment against the taxpayer and in favor of the collector in the amount of any final and nonappealable assessment or other amount shown to have been actually collected from others and not remitted to the collector, together with all penalties, interest, attorney fees and costs due.
B. Failure to pay any tax due as provided in the local ordinance shall, without demand or putting in default, cause the tax, interest, penalties, and costs to become immediately delinquent and the collector has the authority, on motion in a court of competent jurisdiction, to take a rule on such person, to show cause in not less than two or more than ten days, exclusive of holidays, why such person should not be ordered to cease from further pursuit of business. This rule may be tried out of term and in chambers and shall always be tried by preference. If the rule is made absolute, the order rendered thereon shall be considered a judgment in favor of the taxing authority, prohibiting the person from the further pursuit of said business until he has paid the delinquent tax, interest, penalties, and costs, and every violation of the injunction shall be considered as a contempt of court and punished according to law.
C. For the purpose of the enforcement of the local ordinance and the collection of the tax levied therein, it is presumed that all tangible personal property imported or held in the taxing jurisdiction by any dealer is to be sold at retail, used or consumed, or stored for use or consumption in the taxing jurisdiction, or leased or rented within the taxing jurisdiction, and is subject to the tax herein levied. This presumption shall be prima facie only, and subject to proof furnished to the collector.
D. The provisions of this Section shall not apply if the person has entered into an installment agreement for the payment of delinquent taxes with the collector and is in compliance with the terms of the agreement.
E. Neither the collector's consent to a continuance request nor the collector's failure to object to the date that any court or the Board of Tax Appeals sets for the hearing date of a rule brought pursuant to the provisions of this Section shall be considered a waiver of the collector's right to proceed pursuant to the provisions of this Section nor be deemed to convert a summary proceeding into an ordinary proceeding.

La. Revenue and Taxation § 47:337.33

Acts 2003, No. 73, §1, eff. July 1, 2003; Acts 2015, No. 210, §1, eff. June 23, 2015; Acts 2020, No. 278, §1, eff. July 1, 2020.
Amended by Acts 2020, No. 278,s. 1, eff. 7/1/2020.
Amended by Acts 2015, No. 210,s. 1, eff. 6/23/2015.
Acts 2003, No. 73, §1, eff. 7/1/2003.