Current with changes from the 2024 3rd Extraordinary Session
Section 37:3389 - Transition; Addictive Disorder Regulatory AuthorityA. Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 515, §4.B. The Addictive Disorder Regulatory Authority (ADRA) is hereby created within the Louisiana Department of Health to exercise all regulatory jurisdiction over the credentialing and practice of addiction counselors and prevention professionals, persons holding specialty certifications issued by the board, paraprofessionals authorized by this Chapter, and those in training to become addiction counselors and prevention professionals. The ADRA shall be governed by a board consisting of seven voting members and one nonvoting member, all of whom shall be appointed by the governor, subject to Senate confirmation, as follows: (1) One nonvoting member who possesses significant knowledge in the area of addiction from a list of three names submitted by the Louisiana State Medical Society.(2) One voting member who possesses significant experience and knowledge in the area of compulsive gambling from a list of three names submitted by the Louisiana Association of Substance Abuse Counselors and Trainers, Inc.(3) One voting member who possesses significant experience and knowledge in the area of prevention from a list of three names submitted by the Louisiana Association of Substance Abuse Counselors and Trainers, Inc.(4) One voting member who possesses significant experience and knowledge in the area of opiate replacement therapy from a list of three names submitted by the Louisiana Association of Substance Abuse Counselors and Trainers, Inc.(5) Three voting members from a list of nine names divided into three groups of three names each submitted by the Louisiana Association of Substance Abuse Counselors and Trainers, Inc.(6) One voting member who is a consumer selected from the state at large.C. The governor shall ensure that his appointments demonstrate race, gender, ethnic, and geographical diversity. Members of the board shall serve three-year terms. Members appointed to fill vacancies caused by death, resignation, or removal shall serve the unexpired terms of their predecessors.D. Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 515, §4.E. Members of the board shall elect a chairman and such other officers as they deem necessary to carry out the duties and functions of the board. The ADRA may employ persons necessary to carry out the provisions of this Chapter and may fix their compensation. The ADRA shall employ at least three persons: an executive director, an assistant director, and an administrative assistant. Employees of the board shall be eligible to participate in the state group benefits plan and in the state retirement system.F. A majority of the voting members of the board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of all business.G.(1) The consumer member of the board shall possess all of the following qualifications: (a) Is a citizen of the United States and has been a resident of Louisiana for at least one year immediately prior to appointment.(b) Has attained the age of majority.(c) Has never been licensed by any of the licensing boards identified in R.S. 36:259(A), nor shall he have a spouse who has ever been licensed by a board identified in R.S. 36:259(A).(d) Has never been convicted of a felony.(e) Does not have and has never had a material financial interest in the healthcare profession.(2) The consumer member shall be a full voting member of the board with all rights and privileges conferred on board members, except that the consumer member shall not participate in the grading of individual examinations.Acts 2004, No. 803, §3, eff. July 8, 2004; Acts 2006, No. 427, §2; Acts 2018, No. 206, §3; Acts 2018, No. 206, §3; Acts 2018, No. 515, §§2, 4.Acts 2004, No. 803, §3, eff. 7/8/2004; Acts 2006, No. 427, §2; Acts 2018, No. 206, §3; Acts 2018, No. 206, §3; Acts 2018, No. 515, §§2, 4.§3389 redesignated to 3386.2. See Acts 2020, No. 328, §2.