La. Navigation and Shipping § 34:300

Current with changes from the 2024 Legislative Session
Section 34:300 - Bond issues

The district shall have authority to incur debt for any one or more of its lawful purposes set forth in this Part, to issue in its name negotiable bonds evidencing such debt and to provide for the security and payment thereof. Such bonds may be of various types but shall be issued and secured for payment in compliance with the provisions of one of the following paragraphs:

A. Industrial inducement revenue bonds may be issued by the district for the purposes, in the manner and subject to the requirements set forth in R.S. 39:991 to 39:1001, inclusive, and Article 6, Section 21 of the Louisiana Constitution of 1974, and secured for payment as therein provided. Also, the district shall have full and complete authority to negotiate and enter into all necessary leases, contracts of sale or other agreements and to take other actions which may be necessary to accomplish the results contemplated by said constitutional and statutory authority.
B. Industrial inducement general obligation bonds may be issued by the district for the purposes, in the manner and subject to the requirements set forth in Article XIV, Section 14, Paragraph (b.2) of the Constitution of Louisiana and secured for payment as therein provided, but shall be issued only after the issuance of such bonds has been approved by a majority of the qualified electors of the district who vote at an election held substantially in the manner provided by Part II, Chapter 4, Title 39 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950. Also, the district shall have full and complete authority to negotiate and enter into all necessary leases, contracts of sale or other agreements and to take other actions which may be necessary to accomplish the results contemplated by said constitutional and statutory authority.
C. General obligation bonds may be issued by the district for the purposes of acquiring sites and other necessary property or appurtenances for industrial parks or industrial plant buildings located within the district and constructing, acquiring and developing industrial parks and/or industrial plant buildings, including but not limited to, roads, street lighting, bridges, rail facilities, drainage, sewers, sewerage disposal facilities, solid waste disposal facilities, waterworks and other utilities and properties therefor. Such bonds shall be issued substantially in the manner and subject to the requirements set forth in Sub-Part A, Part III, Chapter 4, Title 39 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950 and shall be secured by and payable from the annual levy and collection of an ad valorem tax on all taxable property in the district sufficient in amount to pay such bonds in principal and interest as the same mature, all as more fully set forth in said sub-part; provided, however, that the issuance of such bonds shall have been approved by a majority of the qualified electors of the district who vote at an election held therein substantially in the manner provided by Part II, Chapter 4, Title 39 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950. All or any part of the lands, buildings or other properties acquired or constructed from the funds derived from the sale of such bonds may be leased or sold by the district in compliance with the authority contained in R.S. 34:293.1.
D. Negotiable bonds bearing such name as the board may designate may be issued by the district for any one or more of its lawful purposes within the authority set forth in Article XIV, Section 31 of the Constitution of Louisiana, all of which authority is hereby delegated to the district and its board. Such bonds may be payable and secured in principal, interest and redemption premiums, if any, by a pledge and dedication of the income and revenues of the district and its board derived or to be derived from the properties and facilities owned, leased, or operated by it and/or any other income or revenue received from fees, taxes, grants or other sources. In addition to such pledge, the district may further secure the payment of its bonds by a conventional mortgage upon any or all of the properties constructed or acquired or to be constructed and acquired by it. The district is further authorized to receive, by gift, grant, donation or otherwise, any sum of money, or property, aid or assistance from the United States, the State of Louisiana, or any political subdivision thereof, and unless otherwise provided by the terms of such gift, grant or donation, in its discretion, to pledge all or any part of such monies for the further securing of the payment of the principal and interest of its bonds. In addition to whatever security may be pledged to the payment of such bonds, the board, at its option, shall have authority to provide that such bonds shall additionally constitute general obligations of the district, to which its full faith and credit, including, if necessary, the right to levy ad valorem taxes within the district to pay such bonds, shall be pledged; provided, however, that such general obligation bonds shall not be issued until the board has adopted an appropriate resolution giving notice of its intention to issue general obligation bonds, including a general description of such bonds and the security therefor, and notice of this intention has been published in four consecutive weekly issues of a newspaper of general circulation published in the district, setting forth a date and time when the board will meet in open and public session to hear any objections to the proposed issuance of such bonds and provided, further, if at such public hearing a petition, duly signed by more than five percent of the qualified electors in the district object to the issuance of bonds as proposed, then such bonds shall not be issued until approved by a vote of a majority of the qualified elector of the district who vote at a special election held for that purpose in the manner provided by Part II, Chapter 4, Title 39 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950. No bonds shall be issued by the district under the authority conferred in this paragraph unless the board has theretofore prepared, or caused to be prepared, an economic feasibility study or report reflecting that adequate revenues will be available from the sources pledged in an amount sufficient to pay the bonds as they mature in principal and interest. Said economic feasibility study or report shall be filed in the permanent records of the board and shall be available for public inspection. Subject to the above limitations, bonds may be issued by the board under the authority conferred in this paragraph for such purposes and in such amount or amounts as the commission may determine. Such bonds shall be authorized by a resolution of the board and shall be of such series, bear such date or dates, mature at such time or times not exceeding forty years from their respective dates, bear interest, payable semi-annually or annually, be in such denominations, be in such form, either coupon or fully registered without coupons, carry such registration and exchangeability privilege, be payable in such medium of payment and at such place or places, be subject to such terms of redemption not exceeding one hundred five percent of the principal amount thereof, and be entitled to such priority on the revenues of the district as such resolution or resolutions may provide in compliance with the provisions and within the restrictions of Article XIV, Section 31 of the Constitution of the State of Louisiana.

The board, as the governing authority of the district, is authorized to adopt all necessary resolutions or ordinances which may be necessary for ordering, holding, canvassing and promulgating the returns of any election required by this section or providing for the issuance of any bonds authorized by this section including covenants for the security and payment of any bonds so issued. For a period of thirty days from the date of the publication of any resolution or ordinance of the board authorizing the issuance of any bonds of the district, any interested person may contest the legality of such resolution or ordinance and the validity of such bonds issued or proposed to be issued thereunder and the security of their payment, after which time no one shall have any cause of action to contest the legality of said resolution or ordinance or to draw in question the legality of said bonds, the security therefor or the debts represented thereby for any cause whatever, and it shall be conclusively presumed that every legal requirement has been complied with, and no court shall have authority to inquire into such matters after the lapse of thirty days.

(1) Revenue bonds may be issued by the authority to accomplish any of the authorized public functions or purposes set forth in R.S. 34:293.1(D). All such bonds shall be negotiable instruments and shall be solely the obligations of the authority. Such bonds shall be authorized and issued by resolution adopted by a majority vote of the Board of Commissioners of the authority and shall be of such series, bear such date or dates, mature at such time or times, bear interest at such rate or rates, be in such denominations, be in such form, either coupon or fully registered without coupons, carry such registration and exchangeability privileges, be payable at such place or places, be subject to such terms of redemption, and be entitled to such priorities on the income, revenue, and receipts of the authority as such resolution may provide. The bonds shall be signed by such officers as the authority shall determine and such signatures may be by facsimile.
(2) Such bonds shall be sold by the Board of Commissioners of the authority in such manner as may be determined by the authority to be most beneficial to the authority and the authority may pay all expenses and commissions which it may deem necessary or advantageous in connection with the issuance and sale of such bonds. Such bonds may in the discretion of the authority be additionally secured by a mortgage on all or any part of the projects acquired, constructed, extended, or improved with the proceeds thereof, and the authority shall have full discretion to make such provisions as it may see fit for the making and enforcement of such mortgage and provisions to be therein contained.
(3) The issuance and sale of such bonds by the authority shall be approved by the State Bond Commission. At least seven days prior to the sale of such bonds by the authority, the authority shall cause to have published a notice of sale in a newspaper of general circulation in the parish of Lafayette, Louisiana. This notice of sale shall state if any proposals have been made for the purchase of the bonds and that other proposals will be considered and that the proposal most advantageous to the authority will be accepted at the time of the sale. For a period of thirty days from the date of publication of the notice of sale, any person or persons with interest shall have the right to contest the legality of the notice of sale, resolution, or other proceeding authorizing the issuance of the bonds and the legality of the bond issue for any cause, after which time no one shall have any cause or right of action to contest the legality of said resolution or other proceedings or of the bonds authorized thereby for any cause whatsoever. If no suit, action, or proceedings are begun contesting the validity of the bonds within the thirty days herein prescribed, the authority to issue the bonds and to provide for the payment thereof, the legality thereof, and of all of the provisions of the resolution or other proceedings authorizing the issuance of the bonds shall be conclusively presumed, and no court shall have authority to inquire into such matters.
(4) Such bonds shall have all the qualities of negotiable instruments under the commercial laws of the state of Louisiana. All such bonds shall be special and limited obligations of the authority. In no event shall any such bonds constitute an obligation, either general or special, of the general credit of the authority or of the state of Louisiana within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory provision whatsoever, and the bonds shall contain a recital to that effect.

La. Navigation and Shipping § 34:300

Amended by Acts 1972, No. 125, §1; Acts 1976, No. 108, §1; Acts 1986, No. 930, §1.
Amended by Acts 1972, No. 125, §1; Acts 1976, No. 108, §1; Acts 1986, No. 930, §1.