Current with changes from the 2024 3rd Extraordinary Session
Section 30:101.10 - Assistant secretary's annual report to the legislatureA. The assistant secretary shall submit to the Senate Committee on Natural Resources and the House Committee on Natural Resources and Environment before March first an annual report that reviews the extent to which the program has enabled the assistant secretary to better protect the navigable waters and commercial fishing of the state and enhance the income of the fund.B. The assistant secretary's annual reports shall include: (1) The number and location of underwater obstructions which have been identified and inventoried, and a list of those obstructions which have been successfully removed during the preceding year, to include the cost of removal of each.(2) The overall status of implementation of the provisions of this Part relating to identification, inventory, and removal of underwater obstructions.Acts 1997, No. 666, §2; Acts 2008, No. 580, §2; Acts 2022, No. 100, §2, eff. July 1, 2023.Acts 1997, No. 666, §2; Acts 2008, No. 580, §2.See R.S. 30:101.15 regarding the termination of Part after June 30, 2027.