Browse as ListSearch Within- LA REV STAT Tit. 56, § 491. Definitions
- LA REV STAT Tit. 56, § 492. Incidental by-catch
- LA REV STAT Tit. 56, § 492.1. Excluder devices
- LA REV STAT Tit. 56, § 493. Control of shrimp fishery and industry
- LA REV STAT Tit. 56, § 494. Louisiana Shrimp Task Force
- LA REV STAT Tit. 56, § 495. Defining inside and outside waters
- LA REV STAT Tit. 56, § 495.1. Trawling vessels; size of trawls; butterfly nets
- LA REV STAT Tit. 56, § 496. Residence requirements; exception
- LA REV STAT Tit. 56, § 497. Saltwater shrimp seasons; bait shrimp
- LA REV STAT Tit. 56, § 497.1. Trawl, skimmer, or butterfly gear license eligibility
- LA REV STAT Tit. 56, § 498. Size limit
- LA REV STAT Tit. 56, § 499. Trawls, butterfly, and skimmer nets, and cast nets; size of mesh; length; diameter of butterfly and skimmer nets extensions; prohibited devices
- LA REV STAT Tit. 56, § 499.1. Use of trawls in certain areas around Calcasieu Lake; use and identification of butterfly nets in certain sections of East and West Passes of the Calcasieu River, Grand Bayou, and Oyster Bayou
- LA REV STAT Tit. 56, § 499.2. Butterfly and bottom nets; Lake Pontchartrain and Intracoastal Waterway
- LA REV STAT Tit. 56, § 499.3. Butterfly and bottom nets; Oyster Bayou
- LA REV STAT Tit. 56, § 499.4. Night shrimping; inside waters; Vermilion Bay; East and West Cote Blanche Bays; Atchafalaya Bay; exceptions; prohibition
- LA REV STAT Tit. 56, § 500. Recreational possession limit; gear
- LA REV STAT Tit. 56, § 501. Commercial taking of freshwater shrimp
- LA REV STAT Tit. 56, § 502. Manifest of cargo of vessel carrying shrimp
- LA REV STAT Tit. 56, § 506. Excise tax; default in payment; penalty
- LA REV STAT Tit. 56, § 507. Penalty for violation of Subpart