Browse as ListSearch Within- Subpart A. Introductory Provisions
- Subpart B. Tax Levy;  Rates of Tax
- Subpart C. Computation of Net Income
- Subpart D. Accounting Periods and Methods of Accounting
- Subpart E. Returns and Payment of Tax
- Subpart F. Withholding Income Tax on Wages, and Declaration of Tax by Individuals
- Subpart G. Wildlife Habitat and Natural Heritage Trust Donation
- Subpart H. Louisiana Association of Councils on Aging Donation
- Subpart I. Louisiana Military Family Assistance Fund Checkoff Donations
- Subpart J. Coastal Protection and Restoration Fund Checkoff Donations
- Subpart K. Louisiana Lung Cancer Checkoff Donation
- Subpart L. Children's Trust Fund Donation
- Subpart M. Political Party Donation
- Subpart N. Special Provisions, Donation of Tax Refunds
- Subpart P. Snap Fraud and Abuse Detection and Prevention Fund Checkoff Donations
- Subpart Q. Louisiana Operation Game Thief Checkoff Fund
- Subpart T. Ducks Unlimited Donation
- Subpart U. Louisiana Breast Cancer Task Force Checkoff Donation
- Subpart V. Student Tuition Assistance and Revenue Trust Program Deposits
- Subpart W. Louisiana Cancer Checkoff Donation
- Subpart X. Louisiana Animal Welfare Commission Checkoff Donation
- Subpart y. Louisiana Housing Trust Fund Checkoff Donation
- Subpart AA. The National Multiple Sclerosis Society Donation
- Subpart BB. Louisiana Food Bank Association Donation
- Subpart CC. Louisiana Make-A-Wish Act
- Subpart DD. Louisiana Association of United Ways/LA 2-1-1 Donation
- Subpart EE. Alliance for the Advancement of End of Life Care Donation
- Subpart FF. Friends of Palmetto Island State Park, Inc. Donation
- Subpart GG. Dreams Come True, Inc, Donation
- Subpart HH. Center of Excellence for Autism Spectrum Disorder Donation
- Subpart II. Red Cross Checkoff Donation
- Subpart JJ. New Opportunities Waiver Fund Checkoff Donation
- Subpart KK. Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Inc. Donation
- Subpart LL. Crescent City Connection Lighting Donation
- Subpart MM. New Orleans Ferries Donation
- Subpart NN. Louisiana National Guard Honor Guard for Military Funerals Donation
- Subpart OO. Bastion Community of Resilience Donation
- Subpart PP. The Louisiana Youth Leadership Seminar Corporation Donation
- Subpart QQ. The Lighthouse for the Blind in New Orleans, Inc. Donation
- Subpart RR. The Louisiana Association for the Blind Donation
- Subpart SS. Louisiana Center for the Blind
- Subpart TT. Affiliated Blind of Louisiana, Inc
- Subpart UU. Louisiana State Troopers Charities, Inc, Donation
- Subpart VV. The American Rose Society Donation
- Subpart WW. The Extra Mile Donation
- Subpart XX. Louisiana Naval War Memorial Commission Donation
- Subpart YY. Emerge Center for Communication, Behavior, and Development