Browse as ListSearch Within- LA REV STAT Tit. 38, § 451. Authority to issue
- LA REV STAT Tit. 38, § 452. Resolution authorizing bonds
- LA REV STAT Tit. 38, § 453. Payment of interest
- LA REV STAT Tit. 38, § 454. Payment of bonds
- LA REV STAT Tit. 38, § 455. Levy of taxes and local contributions; setting apart amounts necessary; order of payment
- LA REV STAT Tit. 38, § 456. Extension and collection of taxes when board fails to levy
- LA REV STAT Tit. 38, § 457. Issuance from time to time; differences in date, maturity or interest
- LA REV STAT Tit. 38, § 458. Enforcement of collection of taxes and local contributions by court
- LA REV STAT Tit. 38, § 459. Repeal or modification of statute to detriment of bonds
- LA REV STAT Tit. 38, § 460. Enforcement of duties by mandamus
- LA REV STAT Tit. 38, § 461. Full authority for issuing bonds; additional and alternative methods