- LA REV STAT Tit. 13, § 2581. Election of justices of the peace; return; commissions; term
- LA REV STAT Tit. 13, § 2582. Justices of the peace; qualifications; election; term of office; nullity; persons ineligible
- LA REV STAT Tit. 13, § 2583. Constables; election; term of office; qualifications
- LA REV STAT Tit. 13, § 2583.1. Deputies; oath; compensation
- LA REV STAT Tit. 13, § 2583.2. Deputies; oath; compensation; Union Parish
- LA REV STAT Tit. 13, § 2583.3. Deputies; oath; compensation; Caddo Parish
- LA REV STAT Tit. 13, § 2583.4. Deputies; oath; compensation; Ascension Parish
- LA REV STAT Tit. 13, § 2583.5. Deputies; oath; compensation; Calcasieu Parish
- LA REV STAT Tit. 13, § 2583.6. Deputies; oath; compensation; St. Martin Parish
- LA REV STAT Tit. 13, § 2583.7. Deputies; oath; compensation; Caldwell Parish
- LA REV STAT Tit. 13, § 2584. Domicile; designation by local governing authorities
- LA REV STAT Tit. 13, § 2585. Holding court in place where alcoholic beverages are sold prohibited; penalty
- LA REV STAT Tit. 13, § 2586. Jurisdiction and procedure
- LA REV STAT Tit. 13, § 2586.1. Justice of the peace; powers as ex officio notary
- LA REV STAT Tit. 13, § 2586.2. Notary bond; examination; exception
- LA REV STAT Tit. 13, § 2587. Sale of property by constable of justice of the peace court
- LA REV STAT Tit. 13, § 2587.1. Prosecution of litter violations in justice of the peace courts
- LA REV STAT Tit. 13, § 2587.2. Prosecution of removal, disposition, or abandonment violations in justice of the peace courts
- LA REV STAT Tit. 13, § 2588. Compensation of justices of the peace for performing marriage ceremonies
- LA REV STAT Tit. 13, § 2589. Compensation of justices of the peace and constables in criminal matters
- LA REV STAT Tit. 13, § 2590. Security for costs; advanced costs deposit
- LA REV STAT Tit. 13, § 2590.1. Appointment of clerk of court; security for costs; advanced costs deposit; East Baton Rouge Parish; Jefferson Parish
- LA REV STAT Tit. 13, § 2590.2. Clerk of court appointment in Jefferson Parish
- LA REV STAT Tit. 13, § 2591. Amount of additional salary for justices of the peace and constables; payment of expenses at the Justice of the Peace Training Course
- LA REV STAT Tit. 13, § 2592. Justice of the peace ad hoc; appointment; qualifications
- LA REV STAT Tit. 13, § 2593. Legal representation by the attorney general