Browse as ListSearch Within- LA REV STAT Tit. 13, § 5101. Title and application
- LA REV STAT Tit. 13, § 5102. Definitions
- LA REV STAT Tit. 13, § 5103. Determination of procedural questions
- LA REV STAT Tit. 13, § 5104. Venue
- LA REV STAT Tit. 13, § 5105. Jury trial prohibited; demand for trial; costs
- LA REV STAT Tit. 13, § 5106. Limitations
- LA REV STAT Tit. 13, § 5107. Service of citation and process
- LA REV STAT Tit. 13, § 5108. Prescription, immunity; pleas
- LA REV STAT Tit. 13, § 5108.1. Indemnification of officers and employees of the state; civil rights; representation by attorney general
- LA REV STAT Tit. 13, § 5108.2. Child protective services workers; legal defense
- LA REV STAT Tit. 13, § 5108.3. Defense fees and expenses; payment upon acquittal, dismissal, or favorable judgment; special appropriation
- LA REV STAT Tit. 13, § 5108.4. Attorney Fee Review Board
- LA REV STAT Tit. 13, § 5109. Authority to compromise; judgment; notice of judgment; payments
- LA REV STAT Tit. 13, § 5110. Suits and proceedings exempt
- LA REV STAT Tit. 13, § 5111. Appropriation of property by state, parish, municipality or agencies thereof; attorney, engineering and appraisal fees; prescription
- LA REV STAT Tit. 13, § 5112. Suits against the state or political subdivision; court costs; interest
- LA REV STAT Tit. 13, § 5112.1. Subpoena duces tecum issued on a governmental entity
- LA REV STAT Tit. 13, § 5113. Collection of court costs from convicted felons