Browse as ListSearch Within- LA CODE CIV PROC Tit. I, Art. 2881. Ex parte probate if no objection
- LA CODE CIV PROC Tit. I, Art. 2882. Proceedings at probate hearing
- LA CODE CIV PROC Tit. I, Art. 2883. Olographic testament
- LA CODE CIV PROC Tit. I, Art. 2884. Nuncupative testament by private act
- LA CODE CIV PROC Tit. I, Art. 2885. Mystic testament
- LA CODE CIV PROC Tit. I, Art. 2886. Probate of nuncupative testament by private act; mystic testament, when witnesses dead, absent, or incapacitated
- LA CODE CIV PROC Tit. I, Art. 2888. Foreign testament
- LA CODE CIV PROC Tit. I, Art. 2889. Depositions of witnesses
- LA CODE CIV PROC Tit. I, Art. 2890. Procès verbal of probate
- LA CODE CIV PROC Tit. I, Art. 2891. Notarial testament, nuncupative testament by public act, and statutory testament executed without probate
- LA CODE CIV PROC Tit. I, Art. 2892. Use of probate testimony in subsequent action
- LA CODE CIV PROC Tit. I, Art. 2893. Period within which will must be probated