- LA CIV CODE Tit. IV, Art. 1927. Consent
- LA CIV CODE Tit. IV, Art. 1928. Irrevocable offer
- LA CIV CODE Tit. IV, Art. 1929. Expiration of irrevocable offer for lack of acceptance
- LA CIV CODE Tit. IV, Art. 1930. Revocable offer
- LA CIV CODE Tit. IV, Art. 1931. Expiration of revocable offer
- LA CIV CODE Tit. IV, Art. 1932. Expiration of offer by death or incapacity of either party
- LA CIV CODE Tit. IV, Art. 1933. Option contracts
- LA CIV CODE Tit. IV, Art. 1934. Time when acceptance of an irrevocable offer is effective
- LA CIV CODE Tit. IV, Art. 1935. Time when acceptance of a revocable offer is effective
- LA CIV CODE Tit. IV, Art. 1936. Reasonableness of manner and medium of acceptance
- LA CIV CODE Tit. IV, Art. 1937. Time when revocation is effective
- LA CIV CODE Tit. IV, Art. 1938. Reception of revocation, rejection, or acceptance
- LA CIV CODE Tit. IV, Art. 1939. Acceptance by performance
- LA CIV CODE Tit. IV, Art. 1940. Acceptance only by completed performance
- LA CIV CODE Tit. IV, Art. 1941. Notice of commencement of performance
- LA CIV CODE Tit. IV, Art. 1942. Acceptance by silence
- LA CIV CODE Tit. IV, Art. 1943. Acceptance not in accordance with offer
- LA CIV CODE Tit. IV, Art. 1944. Offer of reward made to the public
- LA CIV CODE Tit. IV, Art. 1945. Revocation of an offer of reward made to the public
- LA CIV CODE Tit. IV, Art. 1946. Performance by several persons
- LA CIV CODE Tit. IV, Art. 1947. Form contemplated by parties