Browse as ListSearch Within- LA CIV CODE Tit. II, Art. 1617. Disinherison of forced heirs
- LA CIV CODE Tit. II, Art. 1618. Formalities for disinherison
- LA CIV CODE Tit. II, Art. 1619. Disinherison, express and for just cause
- LA CIV CODE Tit. II, Art. 1620. Limitation of causes for disinherison
- LA CIV CODE Tit. II, Art. 1621. Children; causes for disinherison by parents
- LA CIV CODE Tit. II, Art. 1622. Grandparents; causes for disinherison of grandchildren
- LA CIV CODE Tit. II, Art. 1623. Timing of action; no defense
- LA CIV CODE Tit. II, Art. 1624. Mention of cause for disinherison; burden of proof; reconciliation
- LA CIV CODE Tit. II, Art. 1625. Reconciliation
- LA CIV CODE Tit. II, Art. 1626. Defenses to disinherison