P.R. Laws tit. 2, § 937

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 937. Procedures

In the exercise of the powers and prerogatives granted by this chapter, the Committee shall:

(a) Conduct those inquiries and obtain information it may deem pertinent regarding legislative donations granted and to be granted.

(b) Hold administrative hearings and conduct visual inspections. The hearings shall be public but they may be private when justified in the public interest.

(c) Take oaths and statements on its own or through its authorized representatives in all cases related to the purposes of this chapter and the activities of the Committee.

(d) Inspect the records, inventories, documents and physical facilities of the non-profit semipublic and private entities subject to the provisions of this chapter and any other laws under its administration and jurisdiction that are pertinent to an investigation under its consideration.

(e) Direct the appearance and statements of persons, require the presentation or reproduction of any papers, books, documents and other pertinent evidence related to an investigation under its consideration.

History —Aug. 11, 1996, No. 113, § 8.