P.R. Laws tit. 2, § 31

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§ 31. Salaries and emoluments to members—Per diem and expenses for trips outside of Puerto Rico

Every legislator shall be entitled to per diem and reimbursements for all such trips made outside of Puerto Rico in official functions. In the case of the presiding officers of the Houses, the legislative body to which he belongs shall determine the amount of such per diem and the reimbursement for transportation, communication and representation expenses incurred. For the other legislators the per diem and the reimbursement for the expenses incurred in each trip shall be fixed by the presiding officer of the proper House.

History —June 19, 1968, No. 97, p. 179, § 4, renumbered as § 5 on Dec. 16, 1995, No. 235, § 3, eff. Jan. 2, 1997.