The Vending Machine Electronic Registry is hereby created attached to the Permit Management Office.
For such purposes, the Registration Sticker shall at least include, but is not limited to, the following information:
(a) The unique identification number of the vending machine.
(b) The name of the facility where the placement of the vending machine has been authorized.
(c) The exact location of the vending machine within the authorized facility.
(d) Any license, certification, municipal license, permit, or document required to operate or carry out the business activity, including date of effectiveness, issue, and expiration.
(e) The name and telephone number of the owner of the vending machine.
(f) Any other information that, in the judgment of the Permit Management Office, may be necessary to achieve the purposes of this chapter.
Without it being construed as a limitation, the Permit Management Office shall establish by regulations all that pertains to the size, display, location and technology of the registration sticker.
A registration sticker shall be affixed to each individual machine subject to the Registry established herein. In the case of adult entertainment machines, as such term is defined in §§ 82—84a of Title 15, and video game or arcade machines, the following notice shall be attached thereto in a conspicuous place: Any person who uses any gambling machine outside of casinos located in hotels shall be guilty of a felony and subject to imprisonment for not less than five (5) years nor more than ten (10) years. The machines in this establishment are adult entertainment, video game or arcade machines and in no way are authorized to award any prize whatsoever; awarding or collecting prizes from these machines may entail a fine of up to ten thousand dollars ($10,000).
The registration of a machine and the registration sticker, if no other circumstances arise, shall be issued one time. If there is a change in the placement or location of a machine, the owner shall notify the Permit Management Office within a term that shall not exceed seven (7) days after making such change. If a natural or juridical person owns several vending machines, he/she register and obtain a registration sticker for every machine he/she owns in a single transaction upon filling an application therefor with the Permit Management Office, which in turn, shall issue the registration stickers within twenty four (24)-hours. The Permit Management Office may only impose a fee, ranging from five (5) to fifteen (15) dollars per machine, which shall cover the cost of registration, the registration sticker, and any other expense related to the Registry provided herein. This fee shall be collected once, unless the machine is changed from its location or when any other situation that may require a new registration before said agency arises.
The Executive Director of the Permit Management Office is hereby empowered and authorized to regulate all that pertains to the implementation of this chapter.
History —Dec. 16, 2014, No. 217, § 3.